
Anabaptists meeting Muslims : a calling for presence in the way of Christ /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Krabill, James R., Shenk, David W., 1937-, Stutzman, Linford, 1950-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, ©2005.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Section I. The big picture. The Kingdom of God in Islam and the gospel / J. Dudley Woodberry
  • Response: communities in mission
  • the church and the Ummah / Bedru Hessein Muktar
  • A global perspective on the current status of Christian-Muslim relations / J. Dudley Woodberry
  • Response: transforming relationships / Jonathan Bonk
  • Islam
  • the West
  • the Anabaptists / Lamin Sanneh
  • The Mennonite engagement with Muslims: a historical overview / John A. Lapp
  • Response: a Mennonite consensus on purpose / Gordon D. Nickel
  • The Muslim nation and the Anabaptist church: the Indonesian experience / Mesach Krisetya
  • Revelation and reconciliation: the vision of Concord in Abrahamic traditions / Roy Hange
  • Is the gospel good news for Muslim women? / Chantel Logan
  • Response: my story / Yakuta Abdo.
  • Section II. Learnings and vision. Afghanistan / Herb Friesen, John F. Lapp
  • Turkey / Bob Stauffer
  • India / Gordon D. Nickel
  • Indonesia / Lawrence M. Yoder, Mesach Krisetya
  • Iran / The editors
  • Middle East / John F. Lapp
  • North Africa and the Middle East / Jewel Showalter
  • Albania and Kosovo / Tom Yoder
  • Central Asia / Jane Hooley
  • Canada / Mary Mae Schwartzentruber
  • Burkina Faso / Donna Entz
  • Senegal / Jonathan Bornman
  • Djibouti / Mike Brislen
  • Algeria / Marian E. Hostetler
  • Somalia / Chantal and Mark Logan
  • Ethiopia / Bedru Hussein Muktar.
  • Section III. Issues and themes. Presence and patience; Topic one: a theology of presence and patience / Calvin E. Shenk; Topic two: the Somali journey: presence and patience / Bertha Beachy; Topic three: incarnational witness among the Samoghos of Burkina Faso / Donna Entz
  • Response: historical perspectives / Walter Sawatsky
  • Justice and reconciliation; Topic one: justice and reconciliation in Muslim-Christian encounter: perspectives from Israel/Palestine / Dorothy Jean Weaver; Topic two: justice and reconciliation in the Somali experience / Ahmed Haile
  • Response: Israel/Palestine and Somalia
  • signs of hope / Barbara Witmer
  • Pacifism among Muslims in Africa / Mike Brislen
  • Response: Muslim peacemakers / Susan Kennel Harrison
  • Secularization and democracy in Christian-Muslim relations: beyond modernity toward transforming encounter / Roy Hange
  • Theology of economic development: calling or strategy?; Topic one: transformational development: our calling, God's strategy / Mark Logan; Topic two: an internet cafe in Senegal: an experiment in development / Jonathan Bornman
  • Response: God's reconciliation strategy / Ronald J.R. Mathies
  • The challenge of the Muslim critique of Christianity; Topic one: the trinity: a response to the Islamic critique / Jan Hoover; Topic two: why don't Muslims like Christians?: a response from Indonesia / Mesach Krisetya
  • Response: careful theological reflection is required / Lindsey Robinson
  • Incarnation: obstacles and bridges / David W. Shenk
  • Response: how much does God love? / Jeanne Sahawneh
  • Islamic intercession and Christian atonement: stumbling blocks and bridges / Timothy Bergdahl
  • Response: a poem in memory of Merlin Grove / Mohamud Siad Togane.
  • Dialogue and witness; Topic one: precious friendships in the Middle East / Jewel Showalter; Topic two: peaceable dialogue with Muslims / Gordon D. Nickel; Topic three: the internet and dialogue boxes / Ali El-shariff Abdallah Emmanuel
  • Response: context informs our approach / Lydia Harder
  • Suffering; Topic one: God makes a way for me / Yakuta Abdo; Topic two: Muslim background believers and the price they sometimes pay: two case studies / Richard Showalter
  • Apologetics; Topic one: experiences in defending Christ / Abd el Rab and Adana Abd el Rab; Topic two: may we not also confront? / Jay Smith
  • Response: stand firm in the truth of the gospel / William Sahawneh
  • Literature and Media; Topic one: mass media presence and the Middle East Market / Wayne and Jeannie Larson; Topic two: the veil and the vision: Bible stories for Middle Eastern Muslims / Bruce Heckman; Topic three: the people of God (POG) / Darren Schaupp
  • Response: amazing creativity / Sara Fast
  • Fellowship formation; Topic one: believers fellowship: the Somali experience / Harold E. Reed; Topic two: church formation in a Muslim community: Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) / Bedru Hussein Muktar
  • Response: interesting differences / Joe Showalter
  • Contextualization; Topic one: a contextual, incarnate Jesus / Ed McManness; Topic two: living Jesus's peace message among Muslims: rethinking the motives of contextualization / A. Christian van Gorder
  • Response: true listening is authentic contextualization / Loren Horst and Joe Bontrager
  • Building peace with Muslims / Patricia Shelly.
  • Section IV. Observations, witness, and counsel. Open doors through walls / Bedru Hussein Muktar
  • Questions Muslims address to the Church: an Anabaptist response / David W. Shenk
  • What difference does Jesus make?; My journey: now I see / Ali El-shariff Abdallah Emmanuel; My experience: power in prayer / Yakuta Abdo
  • Counsel to the Anabaptist community / J. Dudley Woodberry, Donna Entz, Ahmed Haile, Gordon D. Nickel.