Tabla de Contenidos:
  • IC-814 to Kandahar
  • Implications of the Kargil War
  • Tunnel visionaries
  • Wellsprings of antagonism
  • From democracy to dictatorship and war
  • The break-up of Pakistan: Mujibnagar to Simla, the advent of Zia-ul-Haq
  • Coup to coup: Pakistan, 1972-1999
  • Kashmir: the intractable bone of contention
  • India and Pakistan, nuclear weapons states
  • Retrospects and prospects
  • The AGra summit and after
  • Uncertainties and opportunities
  • Annexures. Pakistan, birth and objectives
  • Chronology of significant bilateral meetings between 1994-2000
  • Joint statement
  • Memorandum of understanding
  • Lahore declaration
  • Simla agreement 1972, Agreement on bilateral relations between the government of India and the government of Pakistan
  • Tashkent Declaration, 10 January 1966
  • India and Pakistan: military balance (year 2000/2001).