Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Welcome and Overview of Sessions / Peter Bicke
  • Data Mining, Unsupervised Learning, and Pattern Recognition
  • Introduction / James Schatz
  • Role of Data Mining in Homeland Defense / Jerry Friedman
  • Statistical Detection from Communications Streams / Diane Lambert
  • Data Mining : Potentials and Challenges / Rakesh Agrawal
  • Review and Discussion Remarks / Donald McClure, Werner Stuetzle
  • Detection and Epidemiology of Bioterrorist Attacks
  • Introduction / Claire Broome
  • Ambulatory Anthrax Surveillance : An Implemented System, with Comments on Current Outstanding Needs / Kenneth Kleinman
  • Mathematics of Epidemiological Simulations for Response Planning / Stephen Eubank
  • Predicting the Unpredictable in an Age of Uncertainty / Sally Blower
  • Review and Discussion Remarks / Simon Levin, Arthur Reingold
  • Image Analysis and Voice Recognition
  • Introduction / Roberta Lenczowski
  • Computational Vision / Jitendra Malik
  • Mathematical Challenges for Real-Time Analysis of Imaging Data / Ronald Colfman
  • Challenges in Speech Recognition / Larry Rabiner
  • Review and Discussion Remarks / David McLaughlin, David Donoho
  • Communications and Computer Security
  • Introduction / Howard Schmidt
  • A Security Challenge : Return on Security Investment / Dorothy Denning
  • A Few Open Problems in Computer Security / David Wagner
  • Review and Discussion Remarks / Andrew Odlyzko
  • Data Integration and Fusion
  • Introduction / Alexander Levis
  • Reasoning About Rare Events / Tod Levitt
  • Knowledge Representation and Inference for Multisource Fusion / Kathryn Laskey
  • A Hierarchical Model for Estimating the Reliability of Complex Systems / Valen Johnson
  • Review and Discussion Remarks / Arthur Dempster, Alberto Grunbaum.