Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. Trade Blocs and Liberalization.
  • 1. Mercosur: Is it a Region of the Future or Will it Just Always Be? / Maria Cecilia C. Arruda and Masaaki Kotabe.
  • 2. Opening Markets and Industrial Restructuring: The Case of the Argentine Autopart Manufacturers / Joan B. Anderson.
  • 3. Integration and Competitiveness in the America: A General Equilibrium Model for Analysis / Nancy Benjamin and Peter Pogany
  • pt. II. Strategic Alliances and Acquisitions.
  • 4. What Latin American Firms Want in Strategic Alliances / Masaaki Kotabe, Hildy Teegen and Preet S. Aulakh / [and others].
  • 5. Factors in Strategic Alliance Instability: A Study of Two Brazilian Cases / Angela Da Rocha and Rebecca Akrader.