Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Effective rhetoric/rhetorical effects: maintaining masculinity. Oedipal and preoedipal rhetoric ; Contemporary perspectives on rhetoric and myth
  • Dominant myths/myths of domination: masculinity and agency. Society and agency, subjects and self-making ; Language, psychoanalysis, and rhetoric ; Social myths and sadomasochism
  • A father is being beaten: history-making selves and self-making histories. Andrew Carnegie and middle-class myth ; The family romance ; Workplace ethos ; Maintaining doxa through mythic variation
  • Beyond the buddy principle: individual struggle and masculine solidarity. Work shifts/mythic shifts ; Whittaker's Larry Locke: a story of labor and capital ; Sadomasochism and self-making ; Solidarity, mutuality, and unionization ; Intimacy and dependency
  • Moving up or moving out: separation, mobility, agency. Journeyman/craftsman masculinity ; Company men and corporate power ; Immigration and agency ; Ethnicity and race
  • Tapping the heat: race, racism, and erasure ; Frederick Douglass's rhetorics ; Racism in the steel industry ; Race and self-making, separation and sadism ; Race and the collapse of steel ; Self-making as self-erasure
  • Making new metal from old: retooling the self-made man. Anti-institutionalism ; Talking the talk ; Walking the walk ; Solidarity, risk taking, and hot metal men.