Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: critical perspectives on human health and the environment / Richard Hofrichter
  • The social production of cancer: a walk upstream / Sandra Steingraber
  • Deconstructing standards, reconstructing worker health / Charles Levenstein and John Wooding
  • Brownfields and the redevelopment of communities: linking health, economy, and justice / William Shutkin and Rafael Mares
  • Place matters / Mindy Thompson Fullilove and Robert E. Fullilove III
  • Akwesasne: a Native American community's resistance to cultural and environmental damage / Alice Tarbell and Mary Arquette
  • When harm is not necessary: risk assessment as diversion / Mary H. O'Brien
  • The ecological tyranny of the bottom line: the environmental and social consequences of economic reductionism / John Bellamy Foster
  • Silencing spring: corporate propaganda and the takeover of the environmental movement / Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
  • The globalization of corporate culture and its role in the environmental crisis / Joshua Karliner
  • Selling "Mother Earth": advertising and the myth of the natural / Robin Andersen
  • Green living in a toxic world: the pitfalls and promises of everyday environmentalism / Marcy Darnovsky
  • Rethinking technoscience in risk society: toxicity as textuality / Timothy W. Luke
  • Silencing the voice of the people: how mining companies subvert local opposition / Al Gedicks
  • Bearing witness or taking action?: toxic tourism and environmental justice / Giovanna Di Chiro
  • For generations yet to come: Junebug Productions' environmental justice project / John O'Neal
  • Media art and activism: a model for collective action / Branda Miller.