Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Challenges for regendering southeastern prehistory / Cheryl Claassen
  • The gender division of labor in Mississippian households: its role in shaping production for exchange / Larissa Thomas
  • Life courses and gender among late prehistoric Siouan communities / Jane M. Eastman
  • Mortuary ritual and gender ideology in protohistoric southwestern North Carolina / Christopher B. Rodning
  • Those men in the mounds: gender, politics, and mortuary practices in late prehistoric eastern Tennessee / Lynne P. Sullivan
  • Piedmont Siouans and mortuary archaeology on the Eno River, North Carolina / Elizabeth Monahan Driscoll, R.P. Stephen Davis, Jr., and H. Trawick Ward
  • Auditory exostoses: a clue to gender in prehistoric and historic farming communities of North Carolina and Virginia / Patricia Lambert
  • Concluding thoughts / Janet E. Levy.