Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Illustrations""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Note on Editions and Translations""; ""INTRODUCTION Categories and Key Words Local Meaning in Long-Term History""; ""Chapter 1 Open Authorship within Ancient Traditions of Techneµ and Praxis""; ""Chapter 2 Secrecy and Esoteric Knowledge in Late Antiquity""; ""Chapter 3 Handing Down Craft Knowledge""; ""Chapter 4 Authorship on the Mechanical Arts in the Last Scribal Age""; ""Chapter 5 Secrecy and the Esoteric Traditions of the Renaissance""; ""Chapter 6 Openness and Authorship I Mining, Metallurgy, and the Military Arts""
  • Chapter 7 Openness and Authorship II Painting, Architecture, and Other ArtsEpilogue Values of Transmission and the New Sciences
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index