Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The classical roots of the U.S. Congress : mixed government theory / Carl J. Richard
  • Thoughts on why America chose a congressional rather then a parliamentary form of government / Alison G. Olson
  • The Colonial and early state legislative process / Donald S. Lutz
  • Parliamentary principles, American realities : the Continental and Confederation Congresses, 1774-89 / R.B. Bernstein
  • A new matrix for national politics : the first Federal elections, 1788-90 / R.B. Bernstein.
  • "Public attention is very much fixed on the proceedings of the new Congress" : the first Federal Congress organizes itself / Charlene Bangs Bickford
  • Throwing open the doors : the first Federal Congress and the eighteenth century media / Charlene Bangs Bickford
  • Rep. James Jackson of Georgia and the establishment of the Southern States' rights tradition to Congress / Marie Saber Lambremont
  • To form the character of the American people : public support for the arts, sciences, and morality in the First Federal Congress / William C. diGiacomantonio.
  • Religious freedom and the first Federal Congress / Herbert M. Druks
  • The invisible Smith : the impact of Adam Smith on the foundation of early American economic policy during the first Federal Congress, 1789-91 / William P. Cowin.