Tabla de Contenidos:
  • What are uplands?
  • The Ecology of Upland Habitats
  • Where are the uplands?
  • The importance of geology
  • The importance of climate
  • Ecological boundaries
  • Oceanicity
  • Temperature
  • Wind and rain
  • Snow
  • A short history of the uplands
  • Pre-historical
  • The arrival of people
  • Land use in the uplands
  • Agriculture
  • Game management
  • Forestry
  • Recreation
  • Military training
  • Major upland habitats and species
  • Sub-montane habitats
  • Montane habitats
  • Aquatic habitats
  • Upland fauna
  • Invertebrates
  • Fish
  • Amphibians and reptiles
  • Mammals
  • Birds
  • Management and Conservation
  • Protection and subsidies
  • Grazing
  • Grouse moor
  • Forestry
  • Atmospheric pollution
  • Recreation, access and skiing
  • Red deer
  • Culling
  • The Cairngorms
  • The golden eagle
  • A history of the vegetation and land use in the south Pennines
  • Bracken
  • Practical Work
  • Experimental design
  • Health and safety
  • Suggested Practical Work
  • Heath rush seed heads
  • Growth and grazing experiments on purple moor grass
  • Field data collection and analysis
  • Laboratory studies
  • Footpath erosion
  • Sheep behaviour
  • Comparative studies on bracken
  • Recording vegetation change using aerial photographs
  • Sources of aerial photographs.