Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. What can Discussion Achieve? 1. Discussion is effective, but not efficient, to teach information. 2. Discussion methods can teach thinking. 3. Discussion can develop attitudes, values and motivation. 4. Specific methods teach interpersonal skills
  • pt. II. What Discussion Tasks Develop Thought and Attitudes? 5. Listening and attending. 6. Tasks to help group members understand and talk. 7. The use of reason. 8. Problem-solving. 9. Teaching creativity. 10. Decision-making and judgement. 11. Developing 'affect'
  • pt. III. What Factors Affect Interaction in Discussion Groups? 12. What motives and emotions affect group members? 13. How is group influenced by its tasks? 14. Norms, conformity and deviants. 15. Which characteristics of group members make a difference? 16. Factors related to group size. 17. Group structure and leadership. 18. The history and previous experience of the group. 19. The influence of the environment. 20. Patterns of interaction in small group discussion
  • pt. IV. A Developmental Sequence of Discussion Methods. 21. Tutorless groups. 22. Tutorless groups with procedures for particular tasks. 23. Tutor participation in discussion.