Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Hypotheses and Theoretical Framework. Religion and Development. PVOs and Privatization. The International Context
  • Ch. 1. Politics, Philanthropy, and PVOs in Egypt. "Association" Defined. Law 32 of 1964
  • The Law of Associations. PVO Structure and Activities. Charitable Associations and CDAs. Federations. Governmental Acceptance: Procedures and Pitfalls. Goals and Finances of a PVO. Politics and Philanthropy
  • Ch. 2. Public PVOs and Governmental NGOs. Community Development Associations. Outlines of a Debate: Public versus Private. Productive Families Project. Social Fund for Development
  • Ch. 3. Religious Associations and Development in Egypt. The Multifaceted Nature of the Islamic Movement. Islamic Investment Companies. Private Islamic Associations. Islamic Medical Associations. Islam The "Other Path" Nationally Organized Islamic Services. Not Just Islamic PVOs. Challenge to the State. Islamic Society versus Secular State. A Positive Force for Change.