Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Current institutions for managing SPS issues in international trade
  • Discussion of issues related to SPS management in international trade
  • 1. Historical and social science perspectives on the role of risk assessment and science in protecting the domestic economy: some background / G. Edward Schuh
  • Historical perspective on protectionism
  • A perspective on risk assessment
  • The importance of adjustment policies
  • Part I Agricultural trade, risk assessment, and the role of culture in risk management
  • 2. Sanitary and phytosanitary risk management in the post-Uruguay round era: an economic perspective / Donna Roberts
  • The SPS agreement: origin and principal provisions
  • Cost-benefit analysis of SPS regulations
  • Is the SPS agreement congruent with executive branch guidelines?
  • 3. An overview of risk assessment / John D. Stark
  • Risk and trade barriers
  • What is risk assessment?
  • Selecting toxicological endpoints: what do we evaluate?
  • Deterministic risk assessment
  • Probabilistic risk assessment
  • Protecting humans, plants, and wildlife
  • Risk assessment of genetically engineered organisms
  • How can we be fooled? unprovable risks
  • Future problems
  • Scientific arguments about risk assessment
  • 4. Technological risk and cultures of rationality / Sheila Jasanoff
  • Dimensions of cross-national variance
  • Varieties of cultural explanation
  • Part II. Political and ecological economy
  • 5. Biological impacts of species invasions: implications for policy makers / Karen Goodell, Ingrid M. Parker, Gregory S. Gilbert
  • Impact from an anthropocentric perspective-- Case Study 1. The grape root louse phylloxera
  • The importance of recognizing and regulating vectors
  • Vectors
  • Impact from an ecological perspective
  • Case Study 2. The mosquito fish
  • When anthropocentric and ecological perspectives clash
  • Predicting outcomes of species introductions
  • Case Study 3. The crayfish plague and the signal crayfish
  • Limits to prediction when species interact synergistically
  • Setting priorities for management of invasive species
  • 6. Risk management and the world trading system: regulating international trade distortions caused by national sanitary and phytosanitary policies / David G. Victor
  • The SPS agreement: major elements
  • International standards
  • Other WTO agreements: GATT 1994 and the TBT agreement
  • The system at work: three cases
  • Analysis of the system at work
  • 7. Accounting for consumers' preferences in international trade rules / Jean-Christophe Bureau, Stephan Marette
  • Sanitary and technical barriers
  • Technical and cultural differences and domestic regulations
  • Accounting for consumer concerns
  • What are the solutions for reconciling consumer concerns and international trade rules?
  • Economic analysis and the settlement of disputes
  • 8. Case study 1: meat slaughtering and processing practices
  • The Danish approach to food safety issues related to pork products / Bent Nielsen
  • Danish consumers' perspectives on food safety
  • Consumer requirements of Danish meat
  • Welfare
  • An update on the Danish salmonella reduction program
  • International harmonization under the SPS agreement / Bruce A. Silverglade
  • 9. Case study 2: plant quarantines and Hass avocados
  • Role of science in solving pest quarantine problems: Hass avocado case study / Walther Enkerlin Hoeflich
  • General considerations
  • The Hass avocado case: a political science perspective / David Vogel
  • 10. Case study 3: genetically modified organisms
  • An overview of risk assessment procedures applied to genetically engineered crops / Peter Kareiva, Michelle Marvier
  • Containment
  • The principle of familiarity
  • Small-scale risk assessment experiments
  • Monitoring and a precautionary approach
  • Approaches to risk and risk assessment / Paul Thompson
  • Appendix. A SPS agreement.