Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""THE GOVERNMENT ROLE IN CIVILIAN TECHNOLOGY""; ""Copyright""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""OVERVIEW""; ""GUIDELINES FOR FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT""; ""Strengthening Government Technology Programs""; ""Federal Responsibilities Beyond Current Programs""; ""Promoting Investment in Pre-Commercial R&D""; ""THE RATIONALE FOR CHANGE""; ""1 The Environment For Technology Development""; ""PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH""; ""Capital Investment""; ""Demographic Shifts""; ""Rising Energy Prices""; ""Slowdown in Research and Development Spending""; ""TECHNOLOGY CREATION, COMMERCIALIZATION, ADOPTION AND TRANSFER""
  • ""Technology Creation""""Commercialization""; ""Adoption""; ""Technology Transfer""; ""U.S. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES""; ""THE STRUCTURE OF POSTWAR U.S. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY""; ""OTHER POLICY ISSUES""; ""SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS""; ""NOTES""; ""2 Government Support for Civilian Technology""; ""FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT IN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY""; ""Federal Support for Basic Research""; ""Government Support Beyond Basic Research""; ""Agriculture""; ""Computers and Microelectronics""; ""The Biomedical Industry""; ""Biotechnology""; ""The Civil Aircraft Industry""; ""Synthetic Fuels""
  • ""Assessing Federal Support""""CURRENT GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS TO SUPPORT TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT""; ""Government Support of Dual-Use Technology: DARPA""; ""The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)""; ""U.S. Commerce Department Programs: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Advanced Technology...""; ""Role of Federal Laboratories in Commercial Technology Development and Transfer""; ""Traditional Missions in a Time of Change""; ""Recent Efforts to Promote Transfer and Commercialization""; ""Examples of Technology Transfer from the Federal Laboratories""
  • ""Potential Contributions of Federal Laboratories to Private Sector Technology Goals""""Guidelines for Improving Technology Transfer""; ""COOPERATION IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT""; ""Foreign Support for Collaborative R&D""; ""Japanese Collaborative R&D Programs: Selected Examples""; ""The Key Technology Center Program""; ""European Cooperative R&D Projects: Selected Examples""; ""Summary""; ""Technology Adoption""; ""Summary""; ""CONCLUSION""; ""NOTES""; ""3 A New Strategy to Facilitate Government Support of Technology""; ""GUIDING PRINCIPLES""; ""Principle 1: Cost Sharing""
  • ""Principle 2: Industry Involvement in Project Initiation and Design""""Principle 3: Insulation from Political Concerns""; ""Principle 4: Diversification of Investments""; ""Principle 5: Projects Open to Foreign Firms Characterized by Substantial Contribution to U.S. Gross...""; ""Principle 6: Program Evaluation""; ""FACILITATING FEDERAL INVESTMENT IN TECHNOLOGY""; ""Expanded Mission Agency Funding of Pre-Commercial R&D""; ""A Civilian Technology Agency (CTA)""; ""Organization and Structure""; ""Advantages of the CTA""; ""Disadvantages of the CTA""; ""The Civilian Technology Corporation""