Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Global environmental change and international law: the introductory framework / Edith Brown Weiss
  • International norm-making / Paul C. Szasz
  • Changing requirements for international information / Peter S. Thacher
  • Emerging principles and rules for the prevention and mitigation of envitonmental harm / Toru Iwama
  • State responsibility, liability, and remedial measures under international law: new criteria for environmental protection / Francisco Orrego Vicuña
  • Law and global environmental management: some open issues / Peider Könz
  • The legislation and implementation of international environmental law and the third world: the example of China / Lai Peng Cheng
  • An introductory note on a human right to environment / Alexandre Kiss
  • The human rights system as a conceptual framework for environmental law / R.S. Pathak
  • The contribution of international human rights law to environmental protection, with special reference to global environmental change / A.A. Cançado Trindade
  • The implications of global change for the international legal system / Alexandre Kiss
  • Restructuring the international organizational framework / Paul C. Szasz
  • Intergenerational equity: a legal framework for global environmental change / Edith Brown Weiss
  • Ecological security: response to global challenges / Alexandre S. Timoshenko.