Tabla de Contenidos:
  • An account of the Persian kings who ruled the region at Babylonia and the East after Kayqubādh
  • Kaykhusraw
  • The children of Israel after Solomon the son of David
  • The story of Asa b. Abijah and Zerah the Indian
  • The story of Isaiah's friend, the kings of the children of Israel and Sennacherib
  • Account of Luhrāsb and his son Bishtāsb; the expedition of Nebuchadnezzar against the Israelites and how he destroyed Jerusalem
  • The reason why Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem
  • The story of Nebuchadnezzar's raid against the Arabs
  • Returning to the story of Bishtāsb, his reign and its events, initiated by him as well as others, such as his governors; also the deeds of Nebuchadnezzar
  • The kings of the Yaman in the days of Qābūs and after him to the age of Bahman b. Isfandiyār
  • Ardashīr Bahman and his daughter Khumāni
  • The history of the Israelites and the synchronization of their chronological data with those of the Persian kings
  • The account of Darius (Dārā) the elder and his son Darius the Younger ; The account of Alexander (Dhū al-Qarnayn)
  • The Persians after Alexander
  • The Arsacid (Ashaghān) kings
  • The events that occurred during the rule of these regional princes
  • The story of Jesus son Mary and his mother
  • The Roman rulers
  • Ḥīrah and Anbār
  • ʻAmr b. Ẓarib
  • Al-Zabbāʼ
  • Ṭasm and Jadīs
  • The story of the men of the cave
  • Jonah son of Amittai
  • The sending by God of his three envoys
  • The story of Samson
  • The story of Jirjīs.