
The ʻAbbāsid Caliphate in equilibrium /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ṭabarī, 838?-923
Otros Autores: Bosworth, Clifford Edmund
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, ©1989.
Colección:Ṭabarī, 838?-923. Tārīkh al-rusul wa-al-mulūk. v. 30.
SUNY series in Near Eastern studies.
Bibliotheca Persica (Albany, N.Y.)
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover ; The History of al-Tabari: Editorial Board; The History of al-Tabari: Vol. XXX; Copyright; Preface; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; Translator's Foreword; Genealogical Tables and Maps; Genealogical Table of the 'Abbasids; Genealogical Table of the Barmaki Family of Secretaries and Viziers; Map 1. Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Eastern Provinces during the Reigns of al-Hadi and al-Rashi; Map 2. The Arab-Byzantine Marches during This Period; The Caliphate of Musa al-Hadi; The Events of the Year 169 (cont'd) (July 14, 785
  • July 2, 786)
  • The Succession of Musa al-Hadi as Caliph on His Father al-Mahdi's Death and His New Administrative AppointmentsMusa al-Hadi's Repression of the Dualist Infidels; The Remainder of the Events of This Year; The Revolt and Killing of al-Husayn b. 'Ali; Idris b. 'Abdallah b. Hasan's Escape to the Maghrib and His Foundation of the Idrisid Dynasty in Morocco; More Accounts of the Battle of Fakhkh and Its Aftermath; Various Items of Information; The Events of the Year 170 (July 3, 786
  • June 21, 787); The Reason Why al-Khayzuran Had Ordered the Slave Girls to Kill al-Hadi
  • The Time of al-Hadi's Death, the Term of His Life, the Extent of His Rule and (the Names of) Those Who Led the Worship over HimMention of His Children; Some of the Historical Events Involving Him and Some Aspects of His Behavior; The Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid; The Events of the Year 170 (cont'd) (July 3, 786
  • June 21, 787); Harun's Assumption of the Caliphate on Musa al-Hadi's Death; Harun's Official Appointments and Dismissals; The Events of the Year 171 (June 22, 787
  • June 10, 788); TheEvents of the Year 172 (June 11, 788
  • May 30, 789)
  • The Events of the Year 173 (May 31, 789
  • May 19, 790)The Death of Muhammad b. Sulayman and the Confiscation of His Fortune; The Time of al-Khayzuran's Death and Her Burial; The Events of the Year 174 (May 20, 790
  • May 9, 791); The Events of the Year 175 (May 10, 791
  • April 27, 792); The Reasons for al-Rashid's Exacting Allegiance to Muhammad al-Amin as Heir; The Events of the Year 176 (April 28, 792
  • April. 17, 793); Yahya b. 'Abdallah b. Hasan's Uprising and His Role in These Events; Yahya b. 'Abdallah al-'Alawi's Altercation with Bakkar b. 'Abdallah al-Zubayri
  • Al-Rashid's Repudiation of Yahya b. 'Abdallah's Guarantee of Safe-ConductMore Accusations from the Zubayri Family against Yahya b. 'Abdallah al-'Alawi; The Internecine Strife [fitnah] among the North and South Arabs in Syria; The Reason behind al-Rashid's Appointment of Ja'far al-Barmaki over Egypt and the Latter's Appointment of 'Umar b. Mihran (as His Deputy) over It; The Events of the Year 177 (April 18, 793
  • April 6, 794); The Events of the Year 178 (April 7, 794
  • March 26, 795); Harthamah b. A'yan Restores Order in Ifriqiyah