Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction
  • pt. 1. Discourses and Materialities of Identity. 2. Communitarianisms, Nationalisms, Nostalgias. 3. Citizens, Dhimmis, and Subversives. 4. Nazis and Spies: The Discourse of Operation Susannah
  • pt. 2. Diasporas and the Reconstruction of Identity. 5. The Graduates of ha-Shomer ha-Tza'ir in Israel. 6. The Communist Emigres in France. 7. The Karaites of the San Francisco Bay Area
  • pt. 3. Egyptian-Israeli Peace and Egyptian Jewish Histories. 8. The Recovery of Egyptian Jewish Identity. 9. Opposing Camp David and Remembering the Jews of Egypt: Trends in Recent Egyptian Historical Writing. App. Interview with Jacques Hassoun: "I am Jewish because I am Egyptian. I am Egyptian because I am Jewish."