Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: Secretary Hoover and the changing framework of New Era historiography
  • Herbert Hoover and the Harding cabinet / Robert K. Murray
  • Herbert Hoover and economic stabilization, 1921-22 / Ellis W. Hawley
  • Herbert Hoover, the wage-earner, and the "new economic system," 1919-29 / Robert H. Zieger
  • Herbert Hoover's agricultural policies, 1921-28 / Joan Hoff Wilson
  • Herbert Hoover, the "new era", and American foreign policy / Melvyn P. Leffler
  • Product diplomacy : Herbert Hoover's anti-monopoly campign at home and abroad / Joseph Brandes
  • Herbert Hoover's concept of individualism revisited / George W. Carey.