Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The lineage of the messenger of God
  • The account of the messenger of God and his life. The messenger of God is recognized by the Monk Baḥīrā ; The messenger of God is protected by God from participating in pagan practices ; The prophet's marriage to Khadījah
  • Events of the life of the messenger of God. The rebuilding of the Ka ʻbah ; History of the Ka ʻbah ; The rebuilding of the Ka ʻbah (continued)
  • The beginning of the prophetic mission. The day and the month on which the messenger of God became a prophet, and the accounts concerning this ; First revelation of the Qurʹān ; Signs of the approach of prophethood ; Predications of the appearance of the prophet ; Proofs of prophethood ; The manner in which the Qurʹān was first revealed ; Khadījah the First to believe in the messenger of God ; The first rituals of Islam are prescribed ; The prophet ascends to the seventh heaven ; The first male to believe in the messenger of God.
  • Events of the life of the messenger of God (continued). The messenger of God begins to preach openly
  • Other events up to the Hijrah. Quraysh begin to oppose the messenger of God ; The emigration to Abyssinia ; Quraysh show increased hostility to the messenger of God ; Ḥamzah accepts Islam ; ʻAbdallāh b. Masʻūd recites the Qurʹān aloud to Quraysh ; Quraysh boycott the Banū Hāshim and the Banū al-Muṭṭalib ; Quraysh attempt to induce the messenger of God to cease his attacks on their gods ; Satan casts a false revelation on the messenger of God's tongue ; The boycott is repealed ; The messenger of God is subjected to further insults ; The deaths of Abū Ṭālib and Khadījah ; The messenger of God goes to al-Ṭāʹif ; The messenger of God returns to Mecca ; The messenger of God preaches to the Arab tribes ; The first Madīnans said to have accepted Islam ; The first deputation from al-Madīnah ; The first pledge of al-ʻAqabah ; Islam begins to spread in al-Madīnah ; The second pledge of al-ʻAqabah ; The messenger of God commands the Muslims to emigrate to al-Madīnah ; The Quraysh plot to kill the messenger of God ; The messenger of God escapes from the attempt to kill them ; The messenger of God emigrates to al-Madīnah ; The messenger of God arrives in al-Madīnah
  • The beginning of the prophetic mission (continued)
  • The institution of the Islamic calendar. The date of the institution of the Islamic era ; Reports on this subject
  • Summary of Meccan chronology.