Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Greetings from the D.H. Lawrence Society of America / George J. Zytaruk
  • Lawrence's voice : a keynote address / Ernest Tedlock
  • Lawrence estate / Gerald Pollinger
  • Achievement of England, my England and other stories / Keith Cushman
  • Early short stories of Lawrence / John S. Poynter
  • D.H. Lawrence's Indian summer / Ian S. MacNiven
  • Works of D.H. Lawrence : the Cambridge edition / Michael H. Black
  • Problems in editing D.H. Lawrence / Warren Roberts
  • Editing Lady Chatterley's lover / Michael Squires
  • D.H. Lawrence's Uncommon prayers / Sandra M. Gilbert
  • D.H. Lawrence and the resurrection of the body / James C. Cowan
  • Lawrence versus Peeperkorn on abdication; or what happens to a pagan vitalist when the juice runs out? / Mark Spilka
  • Immediacy and recollection : the rhythm of the visual in D.H. Lawrence / L.D. Clark
  • Lawrence's major work / Emile Delavenay
  • Loving of Lady Chatterley : D.H. Lawrence and the phallic imagination / Peter H. Balbert
  • D.H. Lawrence and the resacralization of nature / Scott Sanders
  • Homoerotic feeling in Women in love : Lawrence's "struggle for verbal consciousness" in the manuscripts / Charles L. Ross
  • Boy in the bush in the Lawrence canon / Charles Rossman
  • D.H. Lawrence in Ascona? / Armin Arnold
  • "Real quartet" of Women in love : Lawrence on brothers and sisters / Lydia Blanchard
  • Women in love and the myth of Eros and Psyche / Evelyn J. Hinz & John J. Teunissen
  • Cambridge University Press edition of Lawrence's letters, pt. 4 / James T. Boulton
  • Case for an edition of the letters of D.H. Lawrence / Gerald M. Lacy
  • Editing Lawrence's letters : the strategy of volume division / George J. Zytaruk
  • Cambridge University Press Edition of the letters of D.H. Lawrence : sources for the edition / David Farmer
  • Prose of D.H. Lawrence / Harry T. Moore
  • Beyond D.H. Lawrence / Keith Sagar.