Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Overview and summary / Eileen Connor
  • Community oriented primary care: lessons learned in three decades / Kurt W. Deuschle
  • Theoretical issues
  • Community oriented primary care: meaning and scope / Joseph H. Abramson, Sidney L. Kark
  • The meaning of community oriented primary care in the American context / H. Jack Geiger
  • Discussants / David A. Kindig, Fred Diaz, Nora Piore
  • Community oriented primary care: an international perspective / Rodrigo Guerrero
  • Discussants / Stephen C. Joseph, Keith Bolden
  • Opportunities and constraints for community oriented primary care / Donald L. Madison
  • Discussants / Luana Reyes, Karen Davis
  • Health worker roles in community oriented primary care / John Hatch, Eugenia Eng
  • Discussants / Richard Smith, Fay W. Whitney
  • Medical education and training for community oriented primary care / Jo Ivey Boufford
  • Discussants / Robert Tranquada, Richard Kozoll
  • Thoughts on community oriented primary care / David E. Rogers
  • Practical applications
  • Promoting COPC through a rural health care network: Marshfield Clinic / David L. Draves
  • COPC in the Texas Valley / Stanley I. Fisch
  • Elements of COPC in the UMW a health and retirement funds program / George S. Goldstein
  • COPC and a state health department: West Virginia's experience / L. Clark Hansbarger
  • Columbia University-Harlem Hospital Primary Care Network / Margaret C. Heagarty
  • COPC in a hospital-affiliated health center / Harvey A. Holzberg
  • Denver health and hospitals experience / J.L. Kurowski
  • Partnership for health: the family nurse practitioner/family physician team / Mary O'Hara Devereaux
  • The Patient Advisory Council concept / Milton H. Seifert, Jr.
  • The application of COPC principles in a Welsh mining village / Graham Watt
  • Training for COPC in the Netherlands and around the world / Jacobus M. Greep
  • Can area health education centers promote COPC? The Colorado experience / Karen F. Hansen
  • Departments of family practice as vehicles for promoting COPC / Thomas M. Mettee, jack H. Medalie
  • New Mexico's primary care curriculum / S. Scott Obenshain
  • The Beersheva experience in COPC / Ascher Segall, Carmi Margolis, Moshe Prywes
  • The Upper Peninsula Medical Education Program / Daniel S. Mazzuchi, W. Donald Weston
  • Workshop discussion summaries
  • Workshop A / DeWitt C. Baldwin, Jr.
  • Workshop B / Janice Robinson
  • Workshop C / Patrick Mattingly
  • Workshop D / Lisbeth Schorr
  • Workshop E / Robert S. Lawrence.