Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Nietzsche. A Knight's Move: Nietzsche and the Genealogy of Russian Formalism. Russian Modernism: A Merry Science. The Modernist Paradigm and the Digestion of History
  • 2. Parody. History as a Form of Parody/Parody as a Form of History. Parody, Bodily Remains, and the Leftovers of History. Tynianov and Bakhtin: Parody as a Malfunctioning Gramophone of History. On DerRIDEOlogy: Nietzschean Laughter in Bakhtin and Derrida. Bakhtin and the Post-Structuralist Condition. Writing and Laughter: Bakhtin and Derrida
  • 3. Interval. The Interval and the Structure of Temporality. Maiakovsky and the Remains of the Literary Canon. The Interval as the Origin of the Work of Art: Akhmatova. Mandel'stam, Pasternak
  • 4. Genre. The Literary Fact and the Law of Genre. Genre: A Borderline of Literary Space. Genre: A Borderline of Literary Time
  • 5. Mausoleum. The Mummy: "The Most Glorious Victory of Form" Maiakovsky and the Ventriloquism of History.
  • Russian Formalism and the Birth of the Mausoleum
  • 6. Museum. "The Wax Effigy" and the Form/aldehyde of History. The Kunstkamera: Museum in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. The Circular Ruins of History. The Spurs of the Monument. "It is a Dying History": After Modernism.