Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: three very general observations on psychology and its history
  • Plato on learning
  • Plato on truth and knowledge
  • Aristotle on knowledge and understanding
  • Aristotle on perception: three questions
  • The Book of Genesis and psychology
  • The impact of Christianity on psychology
  • St. Augustine of Hippo: Christian Platonist
  • St. Thomas Aquinas on individuals and concepts
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and dualism
  • Duns Scotus and William of Ockham: the cusp of the Middle Ages
  • Thomas Hobbes: grandfather of modern psychology
  • Rene Descartes: medieval man of the Renaissance
  • John Locke: a no-nonsense developmental psychologist
  • Gottfried Leibneiz and necessary truths
  • Bishop Berkeley and the consequences of nominalism
  • David Hume: Some consequences of British empiricism
  • Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence
  • Immanuel Kant and the foundational stance in psychology
  • John Stuart Milles: a contemporary psychologist
  • Charles Darwin: the Newton of biology
  • Wilhelm Wundt: The founder of experimental psychology
  • Franz Brentano: Intuition and the mental
  • Sigmund Freud and the concept of mental health
  • John B. Watson and the Behaviorists
  • Some notes on the Gestalt Movement
  • Extroduction.