Tabla de Contenidos:
  • An American view of Soviet contributions / William K. Estes and Charles Tilly
  • Motives and models of cooperation : a Soviet view of American contributions / Vladimir P. Averchev and Pavel B. Parshin
  • The concept of interdependence : current American thinking / Robert O. Keohane
  • Evolution of the concept of "victory" in Soviet military-political thought after the Second World War / Andrey A. Kokoshin, Viktor M. Sergeev, and Vadim L. Tsymbursky
  • Interdependence in a crisis situation : simulating the Caribbean crisis / Viktor M. Sergeev [and others]
  • Cognitive and rhetorical styles of American and Soviet politicians / Philip E. Tetlock
  • The system of international negotiations as a means of managing interdependence / Viktor A. Kremenyuk.
  • Diplomacy and domestic politics : the logic of two-level games / Robert D. Putnam
  • Ecology and politics : political awareness development in the USSR / Vasily Sokolov and I. Abalkina
  • Environmental mobilization in the United States / Robert Cameron Mitchell.