Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Thesis of a Speech on Dual-Use Technologies and Export Control / I.P. Lebedev
  • Conceptual Approaches to the Problem of Dual-Use Technologies / Mitchel B. Wallerstein
  • A Binocular View of the Issues Associated With Dual-Use Technologies: Two is Enough to Have a Fight; It Takes More to Keep the Peace / Valery Spector and Merrill Walters
  • A Conceptual Approach to Addressing Dual-Use Technologies: A Framework for U.S.-Russian Dialogue / Glenn Schweitzer
  • Joint Concept of U.S. and Russian Provisions for the Ensurance of Global Stability Under Conditions of the New World Order / Oleg Rogozin and Valery Spector
  • Basic Trends in the Development of Mechanisms for Controlling the Export of Dual-Use Products / Remir Stepanov
  • Control of Dual-Use Technologies: A Businessman's Recommendation for Preserving the Military and Economic Security of the United States / J.D. Rittenhouse.
  • The Justification for Establishing in Russia a Commission on Non-Proliferation of Potentially Strategically Dangerous Technologies / Oleg Rogozin
  • Main Goals of the Proposed Commissions of the Cabinet of Russian Ministers on the Containment of Potentially Strategically Dangerous Technologies and Weapons / Valery N. Spector
  • Application of Verification to Dual-Use Technology Export Controls and Related Issues / John Harvey
  • Critical Professions and Categories of Scientists and Engineers, Principles of the Professional and Social Motivation of Their Activities, and Rational Employment Under Conditions of Science Conversion in Russia / Yuriy Vershinin
  • Case Studies / Seymour Goodman
  • Economic Incentives, Conversion, and Dual-Use Technologies: The Case of Russia / Clifford Gaddy
  • Appendix I: Participants and Agenda for the Third U.S. National Academy of Sciences-Russian Academy of Sciences Joint Meeting on Dual-Use Technologies, December 12-20, 1992, Moscow.
  • Appendix II: Participants, Agenda, and Initial Framework for the Second U.S. National Academy of Sciences-Russian Academy of Sciences Joint Meeting on Dual-Use Technologies, May 12-20, 1992, Washington, D.C.
  • Appendix III: Participants and Protocol from the First U.S. National Academy of Sciences-Russian Academy of Sciences Exploratory Meeting on Dual Use Technologies, December 13-21, 1991, Moscow and Perm, Russia.