Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Shiʻism, authority, and political culture / Said Amir Arjomand
  • Imam and community in the pre-Ghayba period / Etan Kohlberg
  • The evolution of popular eulogy of the Imams among the Shiʻa / Mohammad-Djaʻfar Mahdjoub ; translated and adapted by John R. Perry
  • The Mujtahid of the age and the Mullā-bāshī: an intermediate stage in the institutionalization of religious authority in Shiʻite Iran / Said Amir Arjomand
  • In between the Madrasa and the marketplace: the designation of clerical leadership in modern Shiʻism / Abbas Amanat
  • Constitutionalism and clerical authority / Abdol Karim Lahidji
  • Sharīʻat Sangalajī: a reformist theologian of the Riḍā Shāh period / Yann Richard ; translated by Kathryn Arjomand
  • Ideological revolution in Shiʻism / Said Amir Arjomand.
  • An annotated bibliography on government and statecraft / Mohammad-Taqi Danishpazhouh ; translated and adapted by Andrew Newman
  • ʻAllāma al-Ḥillī on the Imamate and Ijtihād / translated and edited by John Cooper
  • Two decrees of Shāh Ṭahmāsp concerning statecraft and the authority of Shaykh ʻAlī al-Karakī / translated and edited by Said Amir Arjomand
  • The Muqaddas al-Ardabīlī on Taqlīd / translated and edited by John Cooper
  • Two seventeenth-century Persian tracts on kingship and rulers / translated and edited by William C. Chittick
  • Lives of prominent nineteenth-century 'Ulamā' from Tunikā-bunī's Qiṣaṣ al-'Ulamā' / translated and edited by Hamid Dabashi
  • An exchange between a Mujtahid and a Qājār official / translated by Hamid Dabashi
  • Two clerical tracts on constitutionalism / translated and edited by Hamid Dabashi
  • Clerical authority in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.