Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : schooling, cultural politics, and the struggle for democracy / Henry A. Giroux and Peter L. McLaren
  • Education, state, and culture in American society / Martin Carnoy
  • Can there be a liberal philosophy of education in a democratic society? / Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
  • The politics of common sense : schooling, populism, and the New Right / Michael W. Apple
  • Schooling and the family / Miriam E. David
  • Fixing the schools : the ideological turn / Walter Feinberg
  • Curriculum in the closed society / Philip Wexler
  • Practical teacher education and the avant-garde
  • Richard Smith and Anna Zantiotis
  • Schooling as a form of cultural politics : toward a pedagogy of and for difference / Henry A. Giroux.
  • Silencing and nurturing voice in an improbable context : urban adolescents in public school / Michelle Fine
  • On ideology and education : critical pedagogy and the cultural politics of resistance / Peter L. McLaren
  • Children's literature as an ideological text / Joel Taxel
  • Reading rock 'n' roll in the classroom : a critical pedagogy / David R. Shumway
  • Popular culture and critical pedagogy : everyday life as a basis for curriculum knowledge / Henry A. Giroux and Roger Simon.