Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. Setting the Stage. 1. Introduction / Gerald D. Laubach, John E. Wennberg and Annetine C. Gelijns. 2. Innovation and the Policies of Limits in a Changing Health Care Economy / John E. Wennberg
  • pt. II. Managing Care in the United States. 3. The Growth of Managed Care in the Private Sector / Michael Soper and David Ferriss. 4. Managing Medical Practice: the Potential of HMOs / Edward H. Wagner. 5. Cost-Containment Efforts in the Public Sector: Oregon's Priority List / H. Gilbert Welch and Elliott S. Fisher
  • pt. III. Managing Care in the United Kingdom and Canada. 6. Priority Setting in a Needs-Based System / Alan Williams. 7. The Meeting of the Twain: Managing Health Care Capital, Capacity, and Costs in Canada / Morris L. Barer and Robert G. Evans
  • pt. IV. Implications for Providers. 8. New Technology Adoption in the Hospital / Paul F. Griner. 9. Physicians' Acquisition and Use of New Technology in an Era of Economic Constraints / Bruce J. Hillman.