Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Developing theories of speech perception : constraints from developmental data / Judith C. Goodman, Lisa Lee, and Jenny DeGroot
  • Observations on speech perception, its development, and the search for a mechanism / Joanne L. Miller and Peter D. Eimas
  • The importance of childhood to language acquisition : evidence from American sign language / Rachel I. Mayberry
  • Cross-cultural speech perception : developmental change does not involve loss / Janet F. Werker
  • Perceptual learning on nonnative speech contrasts : implications for theories of speech perception / David B. Pisoni, Scott E. Lively, and John S. Logan
  • The emergence of native-language phonological influences in infants : a perceptual assimilation model / Catherine T. Best
  • Infant speech perception and the development of the mental lexicon / Peter W. Jusczyk.
  • Sentential processes in early child language : evidence from the perception and production of function morphemes / LouAnn Gerken
  • Learning to hear speech as spoken language / Howard C. Nusbaum and Judith C. Goodman.