Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword / Rick Wallach
  • Introduction / Brad Bannon and John Vanderheide
  • Romance and naturalism in Cormac McCarthy's All the pretty horses / James Giles
  • "All things fought": fate, violence, and the illusion of a Lockean social contract in Cormac McCarthy's Child of God / Woods Nash
  • God, evil, suffering, and human destiny in the Border trilogy: learning from the "Teachers" / Dennis l. Sansom
  • Guns and material determinism in The road / Rasmus R. Simonsen
  • Holden and Chigurh: Cormac McCarthy and the ethics of power / Adrian Mioc
  • Mysteries of the meridian revealed: McCarthy's anachronistic tarot / Robert Kottage
  • Doom's adumbration: Suttree and the problem of fatalism / John Vanderheide
  • "A clamorous tide of unforeseen consequence": Heimarmene in Cormac McCarthy's Border trilogy / Petra Mundik
  • Fatal loss and teleological blindness in McCarthy's Tennessee novels / Brad Bannon
  • Freaking determinism: the image of the wild man in Blood meridian / Tom Cull
  • "Archives of our own devising": structural fatality in Cormac McCarthy's Blood meridian or The evening redness in the west / Theo Finigan.