
Secret power WikiLeaks and its enemies.

An uncovering of the terrifying depths of authoritarian power that hide behind the infamous story of WikiLeaks.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: MAURIZI, STEFANIA
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: [S.l.] : PLUTO PRESS, 2022.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Foreword by Ken Loach
  • Introduction: The Man Who Stood Up to Secret Power
  • 1. The WikiLeaks Revolution
  • My Source at Risk
  • Saying No to the Pentagon
  • Publishing What No One Dared to Publish
  • A Phone Call in the Night
  • Like a Band of Rebels
  • Destroy WikiLeaks
  • 2. The Exceptional Courage of Chelsea Manning
  • Collateral Murder
  • A Lesson
  • She Could Have Looked the Other Way
  • "I Want People to See the Truth"
  • 3. Afghanistan: The Faraway War
  • Forever War
  • An Extraordinary Window on the War
  • The Pentagon's Poison
  • The Fog of War
  • Meeting Confirmed
  • Alexanderplatz
  • "Our Boys"
  • 4. The Cypherpunk
  • A Highly Intelligent Individual
  • Visionaries and Libertarians
  • 5. A Database from Hell: The Iraq War Logs
  • The Word "Democracy" Only Eight Times
  • Like an Acid that Corrodes
  • 6. Cablegate: Rattling Power at the Highest Levels
  • Crimes, Scandals and Political Pressure
  • Surrounded
  • A Cottage in the English Countryside
  • A Democracy on a Short Leash
  • Like in Chile under Pinochet
  • 7. Guantanamo: The Black Hole of Civilization
  • The Worst of the Worst?
  • Guantanamo's Barbarity Persists and Risks Setting a Precedent
  • 8. "The Huffington Post Gang Is Driving Me Nuts"
  • Ellingham Hall
  • Whose Fault Was It?
  • Isolated
  • Divide, Discredit, Sabotage
  • 9. From Sweden to Ecuador
  • "He Needs His Head Dunked in a Full Toilet Bowl at Gitmo"
  • An Investigation Opened, Closed and Reopened
  • When Ecuador Said: "Colonial Times Are Over"
  • Confined to 20 Square Meters
  • 10. No Place for Protection
  • NSA: The "No Such Agency"
  • The Exceptional Courage of Edward Snowden
  • A Brutal Law from World War I: The Espionage Act
  • The Cruel and Inhumane Treatment of Chelsea Manning
  • Exile
  • In Prison, in Exile or Confined
  • The "Blood on Their Hands" that Never Was 175
  • 11. My Trench Warfare to Unearth the Truth
  • When Google Handed Over WikiLeaks' Data
  • A Suspicious Impasse in Sweden
  • To Look Out the Window
  • Not Just Another Extradition Request
  • How Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service
  • Helped Create the Quagmire
  • When Marianne Ny Finally Changed Her Mind 196
  • 12. Arbitrarily Detained
  • One International Law for Us and One for Them:
  • How Sweden and the UK Ignored the United
  • Nations Working Group
  • Justice for No One
  • 13. A Russian Connection?
  • Useful Idiots
  • The Information Trumps All
  • 14. The Fury of the CIA
  • A Robbery in Rome
  • The Invisible Arsenal: Vault 7
  • A Spine-chilling Speech
  • 15. Under Siege
  • From Protection under Correa to Oppression under Moreno
  • Why Did the UK Crown Prosecution Service Destroy Key Documents?
  • The Lives of Others
  • A Love Born in Hell
  • The American Friends
  • 16. The Final Attempts
  • The Diplomatic Route
  • The Legal Route
  • The Poison
  • The Last Meeting
  • 17. In the Would-be Guantanamo
  • A Brutal Arrest