
Prosthodontics at a Glance

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Ahmad, Irfan
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2012.
Colección:New York Academy of Sciences Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Prosthodontics at a Glance
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Section 1: Overview of prosthodontics
  • 1: Overview: rehabilitation of natural teeth
  • 2: Overview: rehabilitation by artificial teeth
  • Section 2: Diagnostics
  • 3: Diagnostics: history taking
  • 4: Diagnostics: initial consultation
  • 5: Diagnostic adjuncts 1
  • 6: Diagnostic adjuncts 2
  • 7: Radiography
  • 8: Computed tomography
  • 9: Dental photography
  • 10: Occlusal analysis
  • 11: Plaster casts and additive diagnostics
  • Section 3: Treatment planning
  • 12: Treatment planning: evidence-based treatment
  • 13: Treatment planning: decision-making
  • Section 4: Occlusion
  • 14: Occlusion: terminology and definitions
  • 15: Occlusion: clinical procedures
  • 16: Occlusion: laboratory procedures
  • 17: Occlusion: adjustment and splints
  • Section 5: Periodontal aspects
  • 18: The dentogingival apparatus
  • 19: Prosthodontic considerations
  • Section 6: Endodontic aspects
  • 20: The dental pulp
  • 21: Intraradicular support
  • 22: Coronal support: core build-up
  • Section 7: Anterior dental aesthetics
  • 23: Anterior dental aesthetics: basic principles
  • 24: Anterior dental aesthetics: theories
  • 25: Anterior dental aesthetics: guidelines
  • 26: Anterior dental aesthetics: bleaching
  • Section 8: Intracoronal restorations
  • 27: Choice of intracoronal restorations
  • 28: Choice of materials for direct restorations
  • Section 9: Extracoronal restorations
  • 29: Choice of extracoronal restorations
  • Section 10: Materials for indirect restorations
  • 30: Cast metal alloys, titanium and resin-based composites
  • 31: Ceramic materials
  • Section 11: Tooth preparation
  • 32:Micro-invasive and minimally invasive techniques
  • 33: General guidelines for rotary tooth preparation
  • 34:Preparation for resin-bonded f ixed partial dentures
  • 35: Preparation for inlays and onlays
  • 36: Preparation for porcelain laminate veneers
  • 37:Preparation for full coverage crowns and f ixed partial dentures
  • Section 12: Temporary restorations
  • 38: Provisionals
  • Section 13: Impressions
  • 39: Impression materials
  • 40: Impression techniques and armamentarium
  • 41: Impressions: soft tissue management
  • Section 14: Dental laboratory
  • 42: Computer-aided design and manufacture technology
  • Section 15: Cementation
  • 43: Luting agents
  • 44: Luting agents for definitive restorations
  • 45: Dentine bonding agents
  • 46: Luting techniques
  • Section 16: Removable prostheses
  • 47: Removable prostheses
  • Section 17: Dental implants
  • 48: Osseointegration
  • 49: Implants: general considerations
  • 50: Implants: treatment planning
  • 51: Augmentation and site preparation
  • 52: Implants: surgical techniques
  • 53: Types and configuration of implants
  • 54: Implant abutments
  • 55: Restorative options
  • Index