
Cities of Tomorrow An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Hall, Peter
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2014.
Colección:New York Academy of Sciences Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Praise for previous editions of Cities of Tomorrow
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Dedication
  • Figures
  • Preface to the Fourth Edition
  • Preface to the Third Edition
  • Preface to the First Edition
  • 1 Cities of Imagination
  • The Anarchist Roots of the Planning Movement
  • A Warning: Some Boulders in the Trail
  • A Guide through the Maze
  • 2 The City of Dreadful Night
  • The Bitter Cry
  • The British Royal Commission of 1885
  • Depression, Violence, and the Threat of Insurrection
  • The Booth Survey: The Problem Quantified
  • The Slum City in Europe
  • New York: The Tumor in the Tenements
  • An International Problem
  • 3 The City of By-Pass Variegated
  • The London County Council Starts to Build
  • The First Town-Planning Schemes
  • New York Discovers Zoning
  • London: The Tube Brings Suburban Sprawl
  • The Legacy of Tudor Walters
  • The Building of Suburbia
  • The Architects' Revenge
  • 4 The City in the Garden
  • The Sources of Howard's Ideas
  • The Garden City and the Social City
  • Letchworth and Hampstead: Unwin and Parker
  • The Garden-City Movement between the Wars
  • The Garden City in Europe
  • Garden Cities in Far Places
  • Garden Cities for America
  • New Towns for Britain: The State Takes Over
  • 5 The City in the Region
  • Geddes and the Anarchist Tradition
  • The Regional Planning Association of America
  • The RPAA versus the Regional Plan of New York
  • New Deal Planning
  • The TVA
  • The Vision Realized: London
  • 6 The City of Monuments
  • Burnham and the City Beautiful Movement in America
  • The City Beautiful in the British Raj
  • Canberra: City Beautiful Exceptional
  • The City Beautiful and the Great Dictators
  • 7 The City of Towers
  • The Corbusian Ideal City
  • The Planning of Chandigarh
  • Brasília: The Quasi-Corbusian City
  • The Corbusians Come to Britain
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Urban Renewal in America
  • Counter-Attack: Jacobs and Newman
  • The Dynamiting of Pruitt-Igoe
  • The Corbusian Legacy
  • 8 The City of Sweat Equity
  • Geddes Goes to India
  • Arcadia for All at Peacehaven
  • Turner Goes to Peru
  • China Goes to the Mountains and the Country
  • Autonomy in the First World: Wright to Alexander
  • The Great War against Urban Renewal
  • The War Comes to Europe
  • Community Architecture Arrives in Britain
  • 9 The City on the Highway
  • A Wellsian Prophecy is Fulfilled
  • Los Angeles Shows the Way28
  • Frank Lloyd Wright and the Soviet Deurbanists
  • "The Suburbs Are Coming!"
  • Suburbia: The Great Debate
  • Controlling Suburban Growth in Europe
  • Squaring the Circle: Planning the European Metropolis
  • The Stockholm Alternative189
  • Paris: Haussmann Revisited
  • The Great Freeway Revolt and After
  • 10 The City of Theory
  • The Prehistory of Academic City Planning: 1930-1955
  • The Systems Revolution
  • The Search for a New Paradigm
  • The Marxist Ascendancy
  • The Continuing Divorce of Theory and Practice: Postmodern Theory Exits from the World as We Know It95