
Fundamentals of Aperture Antennas and Arrays From Theory to Design, Fabrication and Testing.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Bird, Trevor S.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
Colección:New York Academy of Sciences Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgement
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • References
  • Chapter 2 Background Theory
  • 2.1 Maxwellś Equations for Time-Harmonic Fields
  • 2.1.1 Field Representation in Terms of Axial Field Components in Source-Free Regions
  • 2.1.2 Boundary Conditions
  • 2.1.3 Poyntingś Theorem
  • 2.1.4 Reciprocity
  • 2.1.5 Duality
  • 2.1.6 Method of Images
  • 2.1.7 Geometric Optics
  • 2.2 Equivalent Sources
  • 2.2.1 Aperture in a Ground Plane
  • 2.2.2 Conformal Surfaces
  • 2.3 Radiation
  • 2.3.1 Near-Field
  • 2.3.2 Far-Field
  • 2.3.3 Mutual Coupling Between Infinitesimal Current Elements
  • 2.4 Problems
  • References
  • Chapter 3 Fields Radiated by an Aperture
  • 3.1 Radiation Equations
  • 3.2 Near-Field Region
  • 3.3 Fresnel Zone
  • 3.4 Far-Field Region
  • 3.4.1 Example of a Uniformly Illuminated Rectangular Aperture
  • 3.5 Radiation Characteristics
  • 3.5.1 Radiation Pattern
  • 3.5.2 Half-Power Beamwidth
  • 3.5.3 Front-to-Back Ratio
  • 3.5.4 Polarization
  • 3.5.5 Phase Centre
  • 3.5.6 Antenna Gain and Directivity
  • 3.5.7 Effective Aperture
  • 3.5.8 Radiation Resistance
  • 3.5.9 Input Impedance
  • 3.5.10 Antenna as a Receiver
  • 3.6 Aberrations
  • 3.7 Power Coupling Theorem
  • 3.8 Field Analysis by High-Frequency Methods
  • 3.8.1 Asymptotic Physical Optics
  • Example: Scattering Radiation from Large Conducting Wire Loop
  • Special Case: APO in Two Dimensions
  • 3.8.2 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
  • 3.9 Problems
  • References
  • Chapter 4 Waveguide and Horn Antennas
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Radiation from Rectangular Waveguide
  • 4.3 Pyramidal Horn
  • 4.3.1 Design of a Standard Gain Pyramidal Horn
  • 4.3.2 Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Horn
  • 4.4 Circular Waveguides and Horns
  • 4.4.1 Circular Waveguide
  • Matching at a Circular Aperture
  • 4.4.2 Coaxial Waveguide
  • Matching of a Coaxial Aperture
  • Coaxial Apertures with an Extended Central Conductor
  • 4.4.3 Conical Horn
  • 4.4.4 Corrugated Radiators
  • 4.4.5 Cross-Polarization
  • 4.5 Advanced Horn Analysis Topics
  • 4.5.1 Flange Effects
  • 4.5.2 Mode Matching in Horns
  • 4.5.3 Profiled Horns
  • Optimization
  • Parametric Profiles
  • 4.6 Problems
  • References
  • Chapter 5 Microstrip Patch Antenna
  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Microstrip Patch Aperture Model
  • 5.3 Microstrip Patch on a Cylinder
  • 5.4 Problems
  • References
  • Chapter 6 Reflector Antennas
  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Radiation from a Paraboloidal Reflector
  • 6.2.1 Geometric Optics Method for a Reflector
  • Dipole Feed
  • Circular Waveguides and Horn Feeds
  • 6.2.2 Edge Taper and Edge Illumination
  • 6.2.3 Induced Current Method
  • Radiation from Symmetrical Reflectors with General Profile
  • Spherical Reflector
  • 6.2.4 Receive-Mode Method
  • 6.3 Focal Region Fields of a Paraboloidal Reflector