
A Concise History of the Russian Orthodox Church

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Neil, Kent
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: La Vergne : Academica Press, 2021.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A Concise History ofthe Russian Orthodox Church
  • Neil Kent
  • A Concise History ofthe Russian Orthodox Church
  • Neil Kent
  • Academica PressWashington ~ London
  • Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
  • Names: Kent, Neil (author)
  • Title: A concise history of the russian orthodox church | Neil Kent
  • Description: Washington : Academica Press, 2022. | Includes references.
  • Identifiers: LCCN 2020056523 | ISBN 9781680539059 (hardcover) | 9781680539066 (paperback) | 9781680539073 (e-book)
  • Copyright 2022 Neil Kent
  • Chapter 1Introduction 1
  • Establishment of Christianity in the Roman Empire 2
  • The Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom or Hagia Sophia 3
  • Early Church Fathers 4
  • Conflicts within the Early Church 4
  • Rise of Monasticism 6
  • Chapter 2The Early Kievan Church 11
  • Establishment of the Metropolitan See of Kiev 11
  • Saints Boris and Gleb 11
  • Saint Hilarion 12
  • The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kiev 13
  • The Great Schism 13
  • Kiev's Monastery of the Caves 14
  • Threats from West and East 15
  • Chapter 3The Russian Church During and After the Tatars 17
  • The Mongol Conquest 17
  • Saint Alexis the Wonderworker of All Russia 18
  • Saint Sergei of Radonezh 18
  • Theophanes the Greek 19
  • Andrei Rublev 19
  • Dionisii 20
  • Failure of the Council of Florence to Reunite Christendom 20
  • Chapter 4Conflict and Reform 23
  • Controversy over Monastic Wealth 23
  • The Judaizing Heresy 24
  • Saint Nil Sorsky 26
  • Saint Maximus the Greek 27
  • Tsar Ivan the Terrible and the Martyrdom of the Innocents 28
  • The Solovetsky Monastery 28
  • Establishment of the Patriarchate of Moscow 29
  • The Councils of Brest 30
  • The Time of Troubles and the Tribulations of the Church 31
  • The Reforms of Patriarch Nikon 32
  • Chapter 5The Beginning of the "Babylonian Captivity" 35
  • Peter the Great and Russian Orthodoxy 35
  • The Cathedral of Saints. Peter and Paul, St. Petersburg 35
  • The Alexander Nevsky Monastery 36
  • The Petrine Reforms and the Abolition of the Patriarchate 36
  • Ecclesiastical Reaction andthe Revival of Monastic Life to marry Peter III 39
  • Establishment and Development of Religious Academies 40
  • Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk 41
  • Missionary Work of the Clergy 41
  • Spiritual Revival, the Philocalia, and Saint Seraphim of Sarov 42
  • Chapter 6Spiritual Revival and the Threats of Secular Liberalism 57
  • Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow 57
  • Our Lady of Kazan Cathedral 58
  • Saint Isaac's Cathedral 59
  • Petr Chaadaev 59
  • Alexander Pushkin 60
  • Aleksei Komiakov 61
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the Phenomenonof the Elder in Late Nineteenth-Century Russia 62
  • Nikolai Gogol 63
  • Saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov 63
  • Apostate Seminarians 65
  • Missionary Work to the Borders of the Empire and Beyond 66
  • Chapter 7Church Reform and Reestablishment of the Patriarchate 71
  • Vladimir Soloviev 71
  • Saint John of Kronstadt 72