Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION. Food, Human Security and International Relations: Relations of Humanity?
  • CHAPTER 2 Contours of Food Security Challenges in Neo-liberal India
  • CHAPTER 3 Legal Dimension of the Human Right to Adequate Food and Public Policies
  • CHAPTER 4 Brazil and the Diplomacy to Fight Against Hunger and Poverty
  • CHAPTER 5 Practicing the Principles of South-South Cooperation: The Methodology of the Centre of Excellence Against Hunger
  • CHAPTER 6 Maize and the World Market: a History of Racism, Commodification, and Resistance
  • CHAPTER 7 International Food Aid and Genetically Modified Organisms: the Case of the United States
  • CHAPTER 8 From Food Insecurity to Food Dependence: Pattern of Land Accumulation and Land Grabbing in Argentina
  • CHAPTER 9 China's Food Security and Land Grabbing. The Case of Argentina