
Figurine Makers of Prehistoric Cyprus Settlement and Cemeteries at Souskiou.

"The Chalcolithic period in Cyprus has been known since Porphyrios Dikaios' excavations at Erimi in the 1930s and through the appearance in the antiquities market of illicitly acquired anthropomorphic cruciform figures, often manufactured from picrolite, a soft blue-green stone. The excava...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Peltenburg, Edgar
Otros Autores: Bolger, Diane, Crewe, Lindy
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Havertown : Oxbow Books, Limited, 2019.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Book Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • List of Plates
  • Abbreviations and special terms
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1 Introduction (Edgar Peltenburg)
  • 1.1 Background to current research
  • 1.2 The site of Souskiou
  • 1.3 Research framework: variability among small scale societies
  • Part I Chronology and environment
  • 2 Chronology (Charalambos Paraskeva)
  • 2.1 Relative chronology
  • 2.2 Absolute chronology
  • 2.3 From absolute to relative and back again: the chronology of Souskiou Laona
  • 3 The setting (Katleen Deckers and David Sewell)
  • 3.1General remarks (D. S.)
  • 3.2 Vegetation and wood use (K. D.)
  • 4 Quaternary landscape evolution in the vicinity of Souskiou (John E. Dixon and Tim C. Kinnaird)
  • 4.1Introduction
  • 4.2 Geomorphological setting
  • 4.3 Geological setting
  • 4.4 Landscape evolution
  • 4.5 Conclusions
  • Part II Settlement: built and open environment
  • 5 Site survey and surface collection (Andrew McCarthy)
  • 5.1Introduction
  • 5.2 Summary of transect finds
  • 5.3 Conclusions
  • 6 Chalcolithic settlement on the Laona ridge (Edgar Peltenburg)
  • 6.1Introduction
  • 6.2 Structural components
  • 6.3 Buildings, walls and other features from the settlement
  • 6.4 Intra-settlement burials and human bone
  • 7 Geoarchaeological analyses of domestic space and building technologies (Matthew Dalton)
  • 7.1Introduction
  • 7.2 Micromorphological methodology
  • 7.3 Summary of micromorphological results
  • 7.4 Summary of spatial microartefactual and geochemical analyses
  • 7.5 Conclusion
  • Part III Mortuary contexts
  • 8 The cemetery (Lindy Crewe)
  • 8.1Introduction
  • 8.2 Aims and methodologies
  • 8.3 Terminology and definitions
  • 8.4 Catalogue of tombs and related features in Operation C
  • 8.5 Additional Period I or I/II features in Operation C
  • 8.6 Discussion of mortuary and other features
  • 9 Human remains (Kirsi O. Lorentz)
  • 9.1Introduction
  • 9.2 Materials and methods
  • 9.3 Analytical results
  • 9.4 Discussion
  • 9.5 Conclusion
  • Part IV Integrated studies
  • 10 Chalcolithic pottery (Diane Bolger)
  • 10.1Introduction
  • 10.2 Ceramic typology
  • 10.3 Decorative and technological features
  • 10.4 Fabric composition
  • 10.5 Pottery from the transect survey
  • 10.6 Pottery vessels and miscellaneous objects from the Souskiou settlement
  • 10.7 Pottery vessels and sherdage from the cemetery
  • 10.8 The stylistic development of Red-on-White pottery
  • 10.9 Comparison of the Laona and Vathyrkakas assemblages
  • 10.10 Ceramics and social identity at Souskiou
  • Plate section
  • 11 Figurines and figurative pendants (Elizabeth Goring)
  • 11.1Terminology
  • 11.2 Typology
  • 11.3 Corpus
  • 11.4 Picrolite and figurative objects
  • 11.5 Figurines
  • 11.6 Figurative pendants
  • 11.7 Fragmentary figurative objects
  • 11.8 Roughouts and pre-forms
  • 11.9 Pottery and fired clay fragments
  • 11.10 Stone other than picrolite
  • 11.11 Shell
  • 11.12 Pig's tusk (and possibly bone).