Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Translators' Introduction
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Choice of subject matter
  • New conformism
  • False musical consciousness
  • 'Intellectualism'
  • Modern music unprotected
  • The antinomy of modern music
  • Growing indifferentism
  • On method
  • Schoenberg and Progress
  • Disturbance of the work
  • Inherent tendency of musical material
  • Schoenberg's criticism of illusion and play
  • Dialectics of loneliness
  • Loneliness as style
  • Expressionism as objectivity
  • Total organization of the elements of music
  • Total development
  • The concept of twelve-tone technique
  • Musical domination of nature
  • Loss of freedom
  • Twelve-tone melos and rhythm
  • Differentiation and coarsening
  • Harmony
  • Instrumental timbre
  • Twelve-tone counterpoint
  • Function of counterpoint
  • Form
  • The composers
  • Avant-garde and theory
  • The renunciation of material
  • Cognitive character
  • Attitude towards society
  • Stravinsky and Restoration
  • Authenticity
  • Sacrifice and the absence of intention
  • The hand organ as a primeval phenomenon
  • Sacre and African sculpture
  • Technical elements in Sacre
  • 'Rhythm'
  • Identification with the collective
  • Archaism, modernism, infantilism
  • Permanent regression and musical form
  • The psychotic aspect
  • Ritual
  • Alienation as objectivity
  • Fetishism of the means
  • Depersonalization
  • Hebephrenia
  • Catatonia
  • Music about music
  • Denaturation and simplification
  • Dissociation of time
  • Music
  • a pseudomorphism of painting
  • Theory of ballet music
  • Modes of listening
  • The deception of objectivism
  • The final trick
  • Neoclassicism
  • Experiments in expansion
  • Schoenberg and Stravinsky
  • Note to the third edition
  • Notes
  • Translators' Introduction
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Schoenberg and Progress
  • Stravinsky and Restoration
  • Index