
Landslides : causes, types and effects /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Werner, Ernest D., 1956- (Editor ), Friedman, Hugh P. (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., [2010]
Colección:Natural disaster research, prediction and mitigation series.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Mass movements in Adriatic Central Italy : activation and evolutive control factors
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Regional setting
  • 2.1. Geology, neotectonic and seismicity
  • 2.2. Geomorphological evolution and climatic conditions
  • 2.3. Geo-mechanical and hydrogeological background
  • 3. Landsliding susceptivity in the study area, in the Italian environmental context
  • 4. Gravitational phenomena in the Central Apennine
  • 4.1. Mass movements of the tectonic slopes
  • 4.1.1. The study cases
  • Mass movements along the bordering slope of the tectonic basins
  • Mass movements along the thrust fronts
  • 4.2. Mass movements on the valley slopes
  • 4.2.1. The study cases
  • Mass movements of the glacial slopes
  • Mass movements along the Fluvial-Denudation slopes
  • 5. The gravitational phenomena of the Peri-Adriatic Belt
  • 5.1. Mass movements in the top sectors of the reliefs
  • 5.1.1. The study cases
  • The case of Monte Falcone
  • The case of Montegiorgi
  • 5.2. Mass movements of the Clayey slopes
  • 5.3. Mass movements of the coast
  • 6. Evolution of rural landscape and landsliding
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2. The "Alberata" landscape
  • Phase 3
  • 7. Conclusion / Domenico Aringoli, Bernardino Gentili, Marco Materazzi and Gilberto Pambianchi.
  • Causes and effects of landslides in the Monterrey Metropolitan area, NE Mexico. 1. Introduction
  • 2. Ubication and demographic growth
  • 3. Geological setting
  • 3.1. Morphological features and geological setting
  • 3.2. Lithology
  • 3.3. Structural geology
  • 4. Hydrometeorological conditions
  • 4.1. Climatic conditions
  • 4.2. Extraordinary rainfall events
  • 5. Landslides types in the MMA
  • 5.1. Ancient landslides related to geological causes
  • 5.1.1. Landslide in Las Mitras Anticline
  • 5.1.2. Block fall in the Chipinque area
  • 5.2. Recent landslides related to human causes
  • 5.2.1. Landslides in quarries areas
  • Salvador Allende landslide
  • Mitras landslide
  • 5.2.2. Landslides in slope areas
  • Las Lajas landslide
  • 6. Discussion
  • 6.1. Rainfall intensity--Duration landslide control
  • 6.2. Landslides and intense rainfall events correlation
  • 7. Additional landslide causes
  • 8. Conclusions / Juan C. Montalvo-Arrieta, Gabriel Chávez-Cabello, Fernando Velasco-Tapia and Ignacio Navarro de León.
  • Mitigation of large landslides and debris flows in Slovenia, Europe. I. Introduction
  • II. Natural conditions in slovenia
  • A. Precipitation and run-off
  • B. Hydrogeology and relief
  • C. Flooded areas
  • III. Land sliding and erosion processes in Slovenia
  • IV. Large landslides in Slovenia
  • A. Stože landslide
  • B. Strug landslide
  • C. Macesnik landslide
  • D. Slano Blato landslide
  • V. General on mitigation of large landslides in Slovenia
  • VI. Mitigation of the Macesnik landslides
  • VII. Mitigation of the Slano Blato landslide
  • VIII. Conclusions / Matjaž Mikoš and Bojan Majes.
  • Geomatic methods for punctual and areal control of surface changes due to landslide phenomena. 1. Introduction
  • 2. Point-based measurements
  • 2.1. Differential leveling
  • Spirit and trigonometric levelling basic concepts
  • 2.1.2. Instruments and elaborates
  • 2.2. Two- and three-dimensional positional techniques
  • 2.2.1. Basic concepts about topographic surveys by means of GNSS and total stations
  • 2.2.2. Instruments and elaborates of GNSS
  • 2.2.3. Instruments and elaborates of total stations
  • 2.2.4. Monumentation
  • 3. Non-contact methods
  • 3.1. Airborne LiDAR and terrestrial laser scanner == 3.1.1. Basic concepts
  • 3.1.2. Instruments and elaborates
  • 3.1.3. Accuracy of point clouds
  • 3.2. Optical sensors
  • 3.2.1. Satellite imagery
  • 3.2.2. Photogrammetry
  • Basic concepts
  • Instruments and elaborates
  • Ground fixed single digital camera
  • About the archival photogrammetry
  • Accuracy of stereoscopic data capture
  • 3.3. Radar sensors
  • 3.3.1. Satellite/airborne Dinsar : basic concepts
  • 3.3.2. Terrestrial radar interferometry
  • 4. Selection of the monitoring system
  • 5. Discussion / L. Borgatti, L. Vittuari and A. Zanutta.
  • Using largest seismically induced landslides for estimating earthquake magnitudes and topography changes. Introduction
  • The method of the paleoseismogeology and evolution of paleoseismological investigations
  • Study area and historic background
  • Estimating earthquake magnitudes and topography changes on the basis of landslide study
  • Estimating magnitudes of prehistoric earthquakes from landslide data
  • Difficulties and limitations of suggested approach
  • Conclusion / A.R. Agatova and R.K. Nepop.
  • Recognition of likely large-scale landslip failure surfaces through geotechnical core logging methods. 1. Introduction
  • 2. Geotechnical rock core logging
  • 2.1. Qualitative rock mass descriptions
  • 2.2. Quantitative rock mass strength characterization
  • 3. Further characterization and implications
  • Conclusion / Nick Thompson and Robert J. Watters.
  • Multi-scale analysis for estimating strong ground motion and structure responses. 1. Introduction
  • 2. Formulation of multi-scale analysis
  • 3. Numerical experiements
  • 4. Conclusion / Tsuyoshi Ichimura and Muneo Hori.
  • Prediction of the seismic displacement of landslides using a multi-block model. Introduction
  • 2. The multi-block model
  • 3. Extension of the multi-block model to predict the response of landslides
  • Sliding system model for large displacement
  • Constitutive model predicting the response along slip surfaces due to pore pressure build-up
  • Soil response
  • Proposed model
  • Discussion of the model and its parameters
  • Calibration of the model parameters, comparison between measurements and predictions and discussion implementation
  • Steps needed to apply the model
  • 4. Validation of the multi-block model for the prediction of the triggering and deformation of landslides
  • The Nikawa slide
  • Establishment of the soil strength and density
  • Prediction of the location of the slip surface
  • Multi-block predictions
  • Conclusions / Constatine A. Stamatopoulos.
  • Faults activity, landslides and fluvial catchments triggered by the 28 December 1908 Messina Strait earthquake (Italy). 1. Introduction
  • 2. The 28 December 1908 Messina Strait earthquake : source parameters
  • 3. Evidence of tectonic controls on drainage basins
  • 4. Modifications of landscape induced by the 1908 fault rupture / Pierpaolo Guarnieri.
  • Special problems in landslide modelling : mathematical and computational methods. 1. The role of mathematical methods in simulations of landslide movements
  • 1.1. General motivation
  • 1.2. Formulation of model problems based on the multibody contact theory
  • 1.2.1. Models based on the Multibody contact theory in thermo-visco-elasticity. Boundary and contact conditions ; Multibody contact problems in (thermo-visco-)elastic rheology with short memory ; Multibody contact problems in (thermo-visco-)elastic rheology with long memory
  • 1.2.2. Models based on the Multibody contact theory in thermo-visco-elasticity. Rheology and the constitutive relations ; Boundary and contact conditions
  • 1.2.3. Preliminaries and notations
  • 2. The model based on the contact problem with given friction in thermo-elasticity : static case
  • 2.1. Introduction
  • 2.2. Models based on the contact problem with given friction (the so-called Tresca Model) in thermo-elasticity
  • 2.2.1. Formulation of the problem
  • 2.2.2. Variation (weak) solution of the problem
  • 2.2.3. Finite element solution of the problem
  • 2.2.4. Algorithm
  • 3. The models based ont he dynamci and quasi-static contact problems with Coulombian friction in visco-elasticity with short and long memories formulated in velocities and displacements
  • 3.1. Introduction
  • 3.2. Models based on the dynamic contact problems formulated in velocities
  • 3.2.1. Formulation of the problem
  • 3.2.2. Weak solution of the problem. Variational formulation of the problem and the penalty approximation ; Existence results ; A priori estimates
  • 3.3. Models based on quasi-static and dynamic contact problems formulated in displacements
  • 3.3.1. Introduction
  • 3.3.2. Formulation of the dynamic model problems
  • 3.3.3. The quais-static multibody contact problems
  • 3.3.4. The approximate multibody dynamic contact problems
  • 3.4. Numerical solutions of dynamic model problems formulated in displacements
  • 3.5. Algorithms
  • 3.5.1. Semi-implicit scheme
  • 3.5.2. Approximate mixed varational formulation of the Tresca Model : the Saddle Point-Uzawa/CGM approach : the matching case
  • 3.5.3. The mortar approach : the non-matching case. Mixed variational formulation : elastic case ; Mixed variational formulation : visco-elastic case
  • 3.5.4. Matrix formulation and the Primal-Dual Active Set strategy method (PDAS) : the frictionless case in (visco-)elasticity with short memory. Algorithm D-PDAS
  • 3.6. Model problems in thermo-visco-elasticity with long memory
  • 3.7. Introduction
  • 3.7.1. Formulation of the model problem in the thermo-visco-elastic rheology with long memory and its weak solution. Formulation of the problem ; Variational (weak) solution of the problem ; Uniqueness ; Existence ; A priori estimates I ; A priori estimates II
  • 3.7.2. Numerical solution of the problem. Discrete approximation of the quasi-static problem in visco-elasticity with long memory
  • Discrete approximation of the dynamic problem in thermo-visco-elasticity ith long memory
  • 4. Mathematical models in thermo-hydro-geomechanical coupling
  • 4.1. Formulation of the mathematical model problem and its variational (weak) solution
  • 4.1.1. Introduction
  • 4.1.2. The problem formulation and the friction law
  • 4.1.3. Variational (weak) solution of the problem
  • 4.2.Numerical approach
  • 4.2.1. Dynamic case
  • 4.2.2. Stationary flow case
  • 4.2.3. Algorithm of the dynamic visco-plastic part of the problem
  • 5. Numerical experiments
  • 5.1. The bridge on a non-stable slope
  • 5.1.1. Introduction
  • 5.1.2. The mode
  • 5.1.3. Results and discussion
  • 5.1.4. Conclusions and remarks
  • 5.2. Modelling of crustal movements having influence on the landslide origin
  • 5.3. The unstable loaded slope in the overflowed region
  • Appendix. Security of countries endangered by bigger hurricanes : proposal of the research project / Jiří Nedoma.