Tabla de Contenidos:
  • GLOBAL NUCLEAR ENERGYPARTNERSHIP; GLOBAL NUCLEAR ENERGYPARTNERSHIP; CONTENTS; PREFACE; RESULTS IN BRIEF; BACKGROUND; Materials in Spent Nuclear Fuel; Technologies for Recycling Spent Nuclear Fuel; DOE'S ORIGINAL ENGINEERING-SCALEAPPROACH WOULD MEET GNEP'SOBJECTIVES IF ADVANCED RECYCLINGTECHNOLOGIES ARE SUCCESSFULLYDEVELOPED; Successful Development of Advanced RecyclingTechnologies Would Be an Initial Step toward GreatlyExtending the Capacity of a Geologic Repository.
  • Advanced Recycling Technologies Envisioned underDOE's Original Approach to GNEP Pose LowerProliferation Risks Than Existing Recycling TechnologiesLack of Industry Participation Could Reduce theProspects for Commercialization and Widespread Use ofAdvanced Recycling Technologies; DOE's Original Approach to GNEP Included Building aSeparate Engineering-Scale Reprocessing Plant beforeConducting R & D that Would Help in Designing the Plant; The R & D Facility and Advanced Reactor Would EnableDOE to Develop the Advanced Recycling TechnologiesEnvisioned under Its Original Approach to GNEP.
  • DOE'S ACCELERATED APPROACH WOULDLIKELY RELY ON TECHNOLOGIES THAT FALLSHORT OF MEETING GNEP'S OBJECTIVESTwo Other Industry Consortia Proposed to AddressGNEP's Objectives by Using Technologies That Are NotMature Enough for Commercial Deployment; The Government Would Likely Bear Substantial Costsfor Commercial-Scale Recycling Facilities; DOE Officials Recognize the Limitations of AcceleratingDeployment of Commercial-Scale Facilities but CiteOther Benefits; CONCLUSIONS; RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXECUTIVEACTION; AGENCY COMMENTS AND OUR EVALUATION; List of Committees; APPENDIX I. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY.