Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
  • Carol L. Hufnagel, P.E. and Nancy D. Rottle, MLA, RLA
  • 1.0 Introduction
  • 2.0 Intent and Organization of the Manual
  • 3.0 Green Infrastructure Terminology
  • 4.0 A Historical Perspective of Green Infrastructure
  • 4.1 Recognizing Land Management as Part of Stormwater
  • 4.2 The Birth of Low Impact Development
  • 4.3 Green Infrastructure Gaining Momentum
  • 4.4 Broader Regulatory Acceptance and Recognition of Multiple Benefits
  • 5.0 Green Infrastructure Regulatory Drivers
  • 6.0 References
  • 7.0 Suggested Readings
  • Chapter 2 Navigating the Institutional Landscape
  • Brandon C. Vatter, P.E. and Kelly Karll, P.E.
  • 1.0 Introduction
  • 2.0 Community Stakeholder Workshops
  • 2.1 Defining Measurable Goals and Objectives of a Green Infrastructure Program
  • 2.1.1 Regulatory, Environmental, and Ecological Goals and Objectives
  • 2.1.2 Economic Goals and Objectives
  • 2.1.3 Social Goals and Objectives
  • 2.1.4 Setting Long-Term and Interim Targets for Green Infrastructure Implementation
  • 2.2 Summary of Measurable Goals and Objectives of a Green Infrastructure Program
  • 3.0 Stakeholder Involvement in Setting Green Infrastructure Performance Requirements
  • 4.0 Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities for Green Infrastructure Within a Community
  • 4.1 State-Level Barriers and Roles and Responsibilities
  • 4.1.1 Barriers
  • 4.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities
  • 4.2 Regional-Level Barriers and Roles and Responsibilities
  • 4.2.1 Barriers
  • 4.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities
  • 4.3 Local-Level Barriers and Roles and Responsibilities
  • 4.3.1 Barriers
  • 4.3.2 Roles and Responsibilities
  • Community Planning Departments
  • Public Works, Streets, and Roads Departments
  • City and County Parks and Recreation
  • Community and Economic Development Department
  • Local Developers and Engineers/Architects
  • Local Nonprofit Groups
  • Watershed Planning Groups
  • Watershed Councils
  • Local Environmental Groups
  • Foundations
  • Colleges and Universities
  • 5.0 References
  • 6.0 Suggested Readings
  • Chapter 3 The Framework of Regulations, Standards, and Structures Essential Steps and Understanding Required to Promote Green Solutions
  • Juli Beth Hinds, AICP and Michael Beezhold
  • 1.0 How Regulations and Standards Drive Stormwater Design
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Regulation and Interpretation
  • 1.3 Objectives of This Chapter
  • 2.0 The Regulatory Array Affecting Green Infrastructure Practices
  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 Local Land Use Regulation and Green Infrastructure Implementation
  • 2.2.1 State Enabling Authority for Local Zoning and Subdivision Regulation