

"The range, scope, scale, and speed of cross- border activity has significantly increased over the past half century.* Today in addition to the linkages created by international trade, foreign investment, international diplomacy, and state- to- state relations, the world is connected through de...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: [Place of publication not identified] BRILL NIJHOFF, 2019.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • Notes on Contributors
  • Chapter 1 Introduction: Exploring the Relationship between Hard and Soft International Law and Social Change
  • I Introduction
  • II Overview of the Book
  • Chapter 2 The Softening of Hard Law and the Hardening of Soft Law: an Extended Synopsis
  • i Introduction
  • ii Soft Power
  • A The Phases of 'soft' Law Regimes
  • B The Footfalls of Anthropocene
  • iii Towards a Conclusion
  • Chapter 3 Promoting Social Change through Treaties and Customary International Law: the Experience of the Inter-American Human Rights System
  • i Introduction
  • ii The Inter-American System
  • A Structure
  • B Historical Developments
  • iii Illustrative Cases in the Inter-American System
  • A Velásquez Rodriguez v. Honduras (1988)
  • 1 Brief Factual Overview
  • 2 Impact on Social Change
  • B Barrios Altos v. Peru (2001)
  • 1 Brief Factual Overview
  • 2 Impact on Social Change
  • C Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v. Nicaragua (2001)
  • 1 Brief Factual Overview
  • 2 Impact on Social Change
  • D General Usón-Ramírez v. Venezuela
  • 1 Brief Factual Overview
  • 2 Impact on Social Change
  • iv Conclusion
  • Chapter 4 Children's Rights: Social Change through the Application of Hard and Soft International Law
  • i Introduction
  • ii Overview of International Law Pertaining to the Child
  • A Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • 1 History of Children's Rights and the Making of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • 2 Ratification and Legal Status
  • B Other Binding Treaties That Directly Affect Children's Rights
  • C Regional Charter on Children's Rights
  • D Optional Protocols to the crc
  • E Soft Law Related to the crc
  • 1 Rules and Guidelines
  • 2 Resolutions
  • 3 General Comments of the crc Committee
  • F General Use of Hard and Soft International Law in Litigation
  • 1 International
  • 2 Regional
  • G Conclusion of Overview
  • iii Case Studies
  • A Case Study One: Children of Imprisoned Parents
  • B Case Study Two: the Use of the General Comment in Relation to Age and Criminal Responsibility
  • C Case Study Three: the Use of the crc in United States, Despite Non-Ratification
  • iv Conclusion
  • Chapter 5 The International Criminal Court and the Use of Hard Law in the Quest for Accountability for Core International Crimes
  • i Introduction
  • ii The icc-a Manifestation of Hard International Law
  • A The Road to a Permanent International Accountability Mechanism
  • iii The icc's Positive Impact
  • A. Victim Participation at the icc
  • B Convictions
  • 1 Lubanga
  • 2 Katanga
  • 3 Al Mahdi Case
  • 4 Acquittals and Non-Confirmation of Charges
  • C Reparations and the Trust Fund for Victims
  • D Deterrent Effect
  • iv icc's Inherent Hard International Law Challenges