
The Cinematic Novel and Postmodern Pop Fiction : the Case of Manuel Puig.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Torres Cruz, Décio
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019.
Colección:FILLM Studies in Languages and Literatures Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; The Cinematic Novel and Postmodern Pop Fiction; Editorial page; Advisory board; Title page; Copyright page; Dedication; Table of contents; Series editor's preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter 1. The cinema(tic) novel: Definitions and brief historical overview; Closet screenplay, Lesedrama or Lesenscenario and novelization; Pre-cinema or proto-film literature; The influence of cinema on the modern novel: A brief historical overview; The French tradition of film scenarios and ciné-roman; The nouveau roman; British and American cinematic novels: A critical perspective
  • Brief review of critical and analytical material on Puig's cinematic novelsChapter 2. Pop Art and Puig's polyphonic pop narrative; Pop Art and pop literature; Culture and the film industry: Kitsch and the democratization of art and culture; Puig's pop techniques and irreverence; Puig's carnivalized pop style; Chapter 3. From reel to real: The fusion of reality and fiction in Puig's cinematic discourse in Betrayed by Rita Hayworth; Film in an author's life; The prelude to a kiss: Film in characters' lives in Betrayed by Rita Hayworth
  • Chapter 4. Dancing a Heartbreak Tango with Hollywood stars and their Boquitas PintadasChapter 5. The Buenos Aires Affair; Chapter 6. The Spider Woman's polyphonic web of desire; Chapter 7. Puig's characters and their mythical identity in Pubis angelical; The plot, themes and labyrinthine cinematic structure of the novel; Mythical identities; Conclusion; Works cited; Appendix. Puig's timeline; Index