Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Illuminating Sanctity: The Body, Soul and Glorification of Saint Amand in the Miniature Cycle in Valenciennes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 500; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Figures and Diagrams; Abbreviations; Glossary; 1 An Introduction to Valenciennes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 500; 1.1 Saint Amand; 1.2 The Vita as a Genre; 1.3 The Three Illustrated Vitae of Saint-Amand; 2 MS 500: Its Date and Structure; 2.1 Dating Evidence; 2.1.1 Dating the MS 500 Vita of Saint Amand; 2.1.2 Dating the Cycle of Miniatures of Saint Amand
  • 2.2 The Incorrect Binding of Gatherings in MS 5002.2.1 Current and Corrected Arrangement of the Leaves; 2.3 The Miniatures and the Preliminary Drawings; 2.4 The Purpose of the Preliminary Drawings; 2.4.1 Preliminary Drawings I; 2.4.2 Preliminary Drawings II; 2.5 Aldegonde's Vision of Amand and the Miniature of Amand's Soul with Christ; 2.5.1 Aldegonde and the Vision of Amand; 2.5.2 Aldegonde's Vision and the Missing Leaf; 2.6 Planning Overview; 2.7 Conclusion; 3 The Artists and Techniques in the Miniature Cycle in MS 500; 3.1 The Abbey of Saint-Amand as a Creative Centre
  • 3.2 Transmission and Possible Sources3.3 Comparisons of the Miniatures; 3.3.1 Gathering Y+Z, f. 62v. Amand's Entombment and Soul, and f. 68r His Glorification (Appx. A.20, A.29); 3.3.2 Gathering X, ff. 53r, 54v (Appx. A.1, A.4); 3.3.3 Gathering X, ff. 58v, 55r (Appx. A.5-A.12); 3.3.4 Gathering X, ff. 56v, 57r (Appx. A.8, A.9); 3.3.5 Gathering Y+Z, ff. 59r-66v, All Folia (Appx. A.13-A.28); 3.3.6 Gathering Y+Z, ff. 59r-66v, All Folia, Facial Features (Appx. A.13-A.28); 3.3.7 Gathering Y+Z, All Folia, and f. 68r. Scrollwork; 3.3.8 Gathering Y+Z, All Folia, and f. 68r. Summary
  • 3.3.9 Gatherings X, Y+Z, All Folia, and f. 68r. Decorative Frames3.4 Summary of Transmission and Comparison of Miniatures; 3.5 Comparison with Contemporary Manuscripts; 3.5.1 Comparison with Vitae; 3.5.2 Comparison with Psalters; 4 Exegesis and Message Reinforcement in Depictions of Amand in the Miniature Cycle; 4.1 Themes on Facing Pages of the Preliminary Drawings; 4.1.1 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings, ff. 59v, 60r (Appx. A.14, A.15 and Appx. G.2); 4.1.2 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings ff. 63v, 64r (Appx. A.22, A.23 and Appx. G.2)
  • 4.1.3 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings, ff. 65v, 66r (Appx. A.26, A.27 and Appx. G.2)4.1.4 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings, ff. 61v, 62r (Appx. A.18, A.19 and Appx. G.2); 4.1.5 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings, ff. 53v, 54r (Appx. A.2, A.3 and Appx. G.2); 4.1.6 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings, ff. 55v, 56r (Appx. A.6, A.7 and Appx. G.2); 4.1.7 The Facing Pages of Preliminary Drawings, ff. 57v, 58r (Appx. A.10, A.11 and Appx. G.2); 4.1.8 Missing Preliminary Drawings for Miniatures, ff. 61r, 62v (Appx. A.17, A.20 and Appx. G.2)