
Practical endocrinology and diabetes in children /

The fourth edition of Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children offers a practical, highly clinical handbook of paediatric endocrinology and diabetes. The book is written in clear terms and offers a user-friendly format that is designed to be concise, yet comprehensive. The international pane...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Donaldson, Malcolm D. C. (Autor)
Otros Autores: Gregory, John W., Van-Vliet, Guy, Wolfsdorf, Joseph I., Deladoey, Johnny
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newark ; Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2019.
Edición:4th ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Table of Contents; Preface to the Fourth Edition; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; 1 Diabetes Mellitus; Definition; Incidence; Biochemistry; Clinical presentation; Investigations; Initial management of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes; Insulin therapy in type 1 diabetes; Dietary management; Management of the child presenting with ketoacidosis; The diabetes clinic; Monitoring and assessment of diabetes control; Exercise; Diabetes in preschool-aged children; Diabetes in adolescence; Hypoglycaemia in youth with diabetes; Recurrent DKA and its prevention
  • Management of diabetes during intercurrent illness ('Sick Day Rules')Management of diabetes when travelling; Management of diabetes during surgery; Long-term complications of diabetes; Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents; Miscellaneous practical matters; Endocrine and other disorders associated with diabetes; Unusual causes of diabetes in childhood; Audit and benchmarking; Future developments; Controversial points; Potential pitfalls; References; Useful Information for Patients and Parents; Advice on transition from paediatric to adult care; 2 Hypoglycaemia; Physiology
  • Symptoms and signs of hypoglycaemiaDefinition; Aetiology; Preliminary examination and investigation; Treatment; Emergency management of acute hypoglycaemia; Guidelines for follow-up; When to involve a specialist centre; Transition; Future developments; Controversial points; Potential pitfalls; References; Further Reading; Useful Information for Patients and Parents; 3 Short Stature; Introduction; Definitions of short stature, failure to thrive, and growth failure; Physiology of growth; Endocrine control of growth; Clinical assessment of growth; Clinical assessment of short stature
  • Investigation of short statureDifferential diagnosis of short stature; Other endocrine causes of short stature; Treatment of short stature; Transition; When to involve a specialist centre; Future developments; Controversial points; Potential pitfalls; References; Further Reading; Useful Information for Patients and Parents; 4 Tall Stature; Pathogenesis and differential diagnosis; Assessment of the child or adolescent with tall stature; Investigations; Causes of tall stature; Endocrine causes of tall stature; Treatment of familial (constitutional) tall stature; Future developments
  • When to involve a specialist centreControversial points; Potential pitfalls; References; Further Reading; Useful Information for Patients and Parents; 5 Puberty; Physiology of normal puberty; Physiology of the menstrual cycle; Clinical aspects of normal puberty; Sexual precocity; Clinical assessment and diagnosis of boys and girls with sexual precocity; Diagnosis and management of sexual precocity in girls; Diagnosis and management of sexual precocity in boys; Delayed puberty and pubertal failure; Clinical assessment of boys and girls with delayed puberty