Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword: Bringing in the reader / Ken Hyland
  • 1. Networking engagement in professional practices: Towards an integrative view / Carmen Sancho Guinda
  • 2. Positioning and proximity of reader engagement: Authorial identity in professional and apprentice academic genres / Feng (Kevin) Jiang and Xiaohao Ma
  • 3. Authorial engagement in business emails: A cross-cultural analysis of attitude and engagement markers / María Luisa CarriPastor
  • 4. Challenging the concept of pure objectivity in British and Spanish hard news reports: The case of the Second Lebanon War / Anne McCabe and Isabel Alonso Belmonte
  • 5. Rebuilding trust in the banking sector: Engaging with readers in corporate press releases / Yvonne McLaren-Hankin
  • 6. Interrogative engagement as a pragmatic and textual function in Legal Studies / Michele Sala
  • 7. Patients engaging their doctors in the doctor-patient relationship: Discourse perspectives on relationship-centred care / Robyn Woodward-Kron, Emily Wilson and Jane Gall
  • 8. 'Let's have that conversation on next quarter's call': (Dis)engagement markers in Q&A sessions of earnings conference calls / Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli
  • 9. Multiplying engagement: Visual-verbal intersemiosis in an online medical research article / Daniel Lees Fryer
  • 10. Researchers' move from page to screen: Addressing the effects of the video article format upon academic user engagement and knowledge-building processes / Jan Engberg and Carmen Daniela Maier
  • 11. Recruitment websites and the socialization of new employees: Dialogicity and graduation / Ruth Breeze
  • 12. Verbal and nonverbal engagement devices in business persuasive discourse: The elevator pitch / Mercedes Díez Prados
  • 13. Scifotainment: Evolving multimodal engagement in online science news / Yiqiong Zhang
  • 14. How much do U.S. patents disclose? A generic game of hide-and-seek / Ismael Arinas Pelln
  • 15. Gestural silence: An engagement device in the multimodal genre of the chalk talk lecture / Chloë G. Fogarty-Bourget, Natasha Artemeva and Janna Fox
  • 16. Silence and engagement in the multimodal genre of synchronous videoconferencing lectures: The case of Didactics in Mathematics / Mercedes Querol-Julián and Blanca Arteaga-Martønez
  • 17. Organizational metadiscourse across lecturing styles: Engagement beyond language / Edgar Bernad-Mechand Inmaculada Fortanet-Gmez
  • 18. Engagement of readers/customers in the discourse of e-tourism promotional genres / Francisca Suau-Jiménez
  • Notes on contributors
  • Index.