
The Next Step Forward in Reading Intervention

After only 6-8 weeks of intervention, students gain the confidence, proficiency, and skills they need to excel as readers and exit intervention!

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Richardson, Jan
Otros Autores: Lewis, Ellen
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York, NY : Scholastic, 2018.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Introduction; Why Did We Write This Book?; Ellen's Reasons; Chapter 1: The Roots of RISE and RISE Up; And Then Came RISE Up; RISE and RISE Up Are Spreading; Chapter 2: What Is RISE?; The RISE Stations; Station 2: Phonics and Word Study; Station 3: Reread Yesterday's Book; Station 4: Guided Writing; Team Meetings and Lesson Planning; Monitoring Progress; Chapter 3: RISE in Action; Locate a Space; Train the Instructors; Assess the Students; Implementing RISE; The First Day of RISE: Work on Procedures; The Next Six to Eight Weeks; After the Intervention; Meeting Implementation Challenges
  • 60-Minute, Three-Station ModelSingle-Teacher, 40-Minute Model; Chapter 4: What Is RISE Up?; Strategies; Lesson Framework; Choosing Strategies and Modules; The RISE Up Stations; Station 2: Reread Yesterday's Text for Deeper Comprehension; Station 3: Reread Yesterday's Text for Deeper Comprehension or Do Guided Writing; Team Meetings and Lesson Planning; Monitoring Progress; Chapter 5: RISE Up in Action; Locate a Space; Train the Instructors; Assess the Students; Implementing RISE Up; The First Day of RISE Up: Work on Procedures; Adapting RISE Up for the Classroom
  • Reread the Text for Deeper ComprehensionSingle-Teacher, 40-Minute Model; Chapter 6: Family Engagement: RISE With Literacy; "RISE With Literacy" Nights; Preparing for the Event; Closing Thoughts; References; Appendices; Index