Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Progress in Colour Studies; Title page; Copyright page; Table of contents; Preface; Contributors; Abbreviations; Emeritus Professor Christian J. Kay 1940-2016; Section 1. Colour perception and cognition; Introduction to Section 1; 1. The colours and the spectrum; Acknowledgements; References; 2. Ensemble perception of colour; 1. Introduction; 2. Studies of ensemble perception of colour; 2.1 Ensemble membership; 2.2 Ensemble averaging; 2.3 The mechanism of colour averaging; 2.4 Ensemble perception of colour in autism; 3. Discussion; 3.1 Summary of findings; 3.2 Future research
  • 3.3 ConclusionAcknowledgements; References; 3. The role of saturation in colour naming and colour appearance; 1. Introduction; 2. Measuring categories and unique hues; 3. Universality of colour categories; 4. Salience of "focal colours"; 5. The uniqueness of intermediate hues; 6. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 4. Spanish basic colour categories are 11 or 12 depending on the dialect; 1. Introduction; 2. Experiment 1. Elicitation task; 2.1 Participants; 2.2 Materials and procedure; 2.3 Results; 3. Experiment 2. 'Extremes naming' and 'Boundary delimitation' tasks; 3.1 Method
  • 3.1.1 Participants3.1.2 Apparatus and stimuli; 3.1.3 Procedure; 3.2 'Extremes naming task': Results; 3.3 'Boundary delimitation task': Results; 4. Discussion; References; 5. Diatopic variation in the referential meaning of the "Italian blues"; 1. Introduction; 2. Method; 2.1 Participants; 2.2 Stimuli; 2.3 Procedure; 2.4 Data analysis; 3. Results; 3.1 The diversity of elaborated blue terms in the two Italian speaker samples; 3.2 Referential volumes of 'blu, azzurro' and 'celeste'; 3.3 The centroids of convex hulls and of focal colours for the three "Italian blues"; 4. Discussion
  • 4.1 Divergence of the referential meanings of 'azzurro' and 'celeste' in the two regiolects4.2 The historical background of naming the BLUE area in Italian; 4.3 An insight into the prominence of 'celeste' in the Algherese Catalan dialect; 4.4 Diatopic variation of colour term usage and its referential meaning: Parallels in other languages; 4.4.1 Partition of the BLUE category: 'Azul' and 'celeste' in Spanish dialects; 4.4.2 Variation in the lexicalization of the BROWN category in regiolects and dialects
  • 4.4.3 'Rosa' versus 'pink': A marginal sub-category in contemporary Germanic languages and dialects5. Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 6. A Color Inference Framework; 1. Introduction; 2. The Color Inference Framework; 2.1 Input: Perceptual and conceptual context; 2.2 Color-concept association network; 2.3 Operations and output; 2.3.1 Pooling to produce evaluations of colors; 2.3.2 Transmitting to produce evaluations of concepts; 2.3.3 Assigning to produce interpretations about color-concept mappings; 3. Summary and conclusion; Acknowledgements; References