
Fragonard /

A painter and printmaker of the Rococo movement, Jean- Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806) is recognised as one of France's most prolific artists. His genius however almost went forgotten after the Revolution due to the expanding influence of neo-classicism and the loss of his bourgeoisie clientele....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Goncourt, Edmond (Autor), Goncourt, Jules (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York [New York] : Parkstone International, [2015]
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Biography
  • Blind Man's Bluff
  • The See-Saw
  • Jéroboam Sacrificing to the Idols
  • Psyche Showing her Sisters her Gifts from Cupid
  • The Dream of Plutarch
  • Rest on the Flight into Egypt
  • The Joys of Motherhood
  • The Shepherdess
  • The Gardener
  • The Grape Gatherer
  • The Reaper
  • Venus and Cupid (Day)
  • The Birth of Venus
  • The Storm
  • The Ancient Theatre at Hadrian's Villa near Tivoli
  • Ruined Temple of Vesta at Tivoli
  • Staircase in the Gardens of the Villa d'Este
  • The Laundresses
  • Game in the Park (Le Jeu de la palette)
  • Farmer's Children
  • The Stolen Kiss (L'Enjeu Perdu)
  • The Cradle
  • Mercury and Argus
  • Cascatelle Grandi in Tivoli
  • Rinaldo in the Gardens of Armida
  • The Bathers
  • The Torrent
  • Landscape with Shepherds and Flock of Sheep
  • A Philosopher Reading
  • Old Man with White Hair
  • Head of an Old Man
  • Group of Putti
  • The High Priest Corésus Sacrificing Himself to Save Callirhoé
  • The Swing
  • Landscape with Washerwomen near a Pond Where a Donkey Has Stopped
  • Portrait of a Man
  • The Master of the World
  • The Interrupted Sacrifice
  • Night Scene or The Beggar's Dream
  • The Music Lesson
  • The Study
  • Portrait of Marie-Madeleine Guimard
  • Young Woman
  • A Woman with a Dog
  • Inspiration
  • Portrait, known as the Portrait of Denis Diderot
  • Jérôme de Lalande
  • Portrait of Anne-François d'Harcourt, Duke of Beuvron as a character of the Commedia
  • Jean-Claude Richard, the Abbé de Saint-Non, dressed in Spanish style
  • Fantasy Portrait of the Abbé de Saint-Non
  • Portrait of a Young Artist
  • The Music (Portrait of Mr de la Bretèche)
  • Portrait of a Young Man, known as The Actor
  • Portrait of François-Henri, Duke of Harcourt
  • The Warrior
  • Young Girl Reading
  • Portrait of a Singer Holding a Sheet of Music
  • Portrait of a Young Lady
  • François de Bourbon, Count of Enghien.
  • Young Girl Holding Two Puppies
  • Young Girl Kissing a Cat
  • The Little Mischief-Maker
  • The Love Letter
  • Young Girl Making Her Dog Dance on Her Bed, wrongly known as La Gimblette
  • Young Girl Playing with a Dog (La Gimblette)
  • The Debut of the Model
  • The Shirt Withdrawn
  • The Match to Powder Keg
  • Perrette and the Pot of Milk
  • The Kiss
  • The Happy Lovers (L'Instant désiré)
  • The Fete at Rambouillet or The Island of Love
  • The Lover Crowned
  • Love Letters
  • The Meeting
  • The Pursuit
  • The Battle of Minerva and Mars
  • Apollo and Diana Killing the Children of Niobe
  • The Warrior's Dream of Love
  • Nègrepelisse Castle near Montauban
  • A Shaded Avenue (L'Allée ombreuse)
  • A Woman from Santa Lucia in Naples
  • Bust of a Neopolitan Woman
  • Sultana on an Ottoman
  • Sultana in Pearls
  • The Happy Family
  • The Visit to the Nursery
  • The Adoration of the Shepherds
  • The Bolt
  • The Letter
  • The Two Sisters
  • Love as Folly
  • The Flirt and the Youth
  • Young Woman Reading
  • Sappho Inspired by Cupid, known as The Favourable Inspiration
  • The Good Mother
  • Annette and Lubin
  • Return of the Drove
  • The Fete at Saint Cloud
  • The Swing
  • Blind Man's Bluff
  • A Game of Horse and Rider
  • A Game of Hot Cockles
  • The Letter or The Spanish Conversation
  • Young Woman Reading
  • Young Girl Drawing
  • Hurdy-Gurdy Woman
  • The Child's First Steps towards His Mother
  • The Angora Cat
  • I Reread Them with Pleasure
  • The Reader
  • Stolen Kiss
  • The Fountain of Love
  • The Sacrifice of the Rose
  • Head of a Young Man
  • Portrait of a Man (Presumed Portrait of Alexandre Maubert)
  • Love the Avenger
  • Love Pursuing a Dove
  • Love the Jester
  • Love the Sentinel.